- 05 naý. 2024 02:33
- 188
Janýarlarǵa qaýip tónip tur
Maıtúbek jalpy orta bilim beretin mektep
Maımanova Almıra Akylbekovna
Aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi
7 synyp
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Janýarlarǵa qaýip tónip tur
Sabaqtyń maqsattary:
Bilimdilik: «Tiri tabıǵat» taraýynyń leksıkasyn, gramatıkasyn qaıtalaý. Tabıǵat pen janýarlar týraly maǵlumat berý.
Damytýshylyq: Oqýshylardyń oı - óristerin damytý. Sóıleý, jazý, tyńdaý daǵdylaryn qalyptastyrý.
Tárbıelik: Oqýshylardy tabıǵatty qorǵaýǵa, uqyptylyqqa, tazalyqqa tárbıeleý.
Tájirıbelik: Ótken leksıkany, syn esimniń shyraılaryn is júzinde qoldaný.
Sabaq túri: dástúrli
Sabaq tıpi: qaıtalaý sabaǵy
Sabaqta qoldanylatyn ádister: jattyǵý, áńgimelesý, kórnekilik, aýdarma, suraq - jaýap.
Pánaralyq baılanys: ekologıa, qazaq tili.
Qoldanylǵan ádebıetter: T. Aıapova«Aǵylshyn tili»7 synyp«Atamura»Almaty oqytý ádistemesi. Elektrondy oqýlyq 5 synyp, I. P. Ermachenko«Dıdaktıcheskıı materıal»
The plan of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a. greeting
b. speech drill
II. Presentation of new material.
III. Development of pupil’s reading habits
IV. Concluding stage
a. giving home task
b. putting marks
Sabaqtyń barysy
Organization moment
- Good afternoon, children!
- Sid down!
Marking absents
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What was your home task?
Speech drill.
- What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- What is the weather like today?
Warm - up.
Pupils, look at the blackboard. There are animals’ pictures. You should name them.
Vocabulary work.
Students, look at this box. Here you can find words in Kazakh, take them and say English equivalents.
Exercise 1.
OK. Now, say me what have you understood.
Exercise 2.
You should say “true” these sentences or “false”.
1. Forests are the lungs of the planet.
2. Animals are the eyes of the platen.
3. People will die without Nature.
4. Plants and factories are harmful for Nature.
5. “Acid rains” happen because of the dust in the air.
6. “Blue Peace” is an ecological organization.
7. Rare animals can live in special reservation.
8. We hate our planet.
9. The Earth is a miracle
Pupils we revise degrees of comparisons of adjectives. Let s do the exercises
Conclusion. Speaking
In every unit for concluding your ideas we prepare project works. Now say about your works.
You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good and I put excellent.
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!
Good - bye!
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý
Maımanova Almıra Akylbekovna
Aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi
7 synyp
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Janýarlarǵa qaýip tónip tur
Sabaqtyń maqsattary:
Bilimdilik: «Tiri tabıǵat» taraýynyń leksıkasyn, gramatıkasyn qaıtalaý. Tabıǵat pen janýarlar týraly maǵlumat berý.
Damytýshylyq: Oqýshylardyń oı - óristerin damytý. Sóıleý, jazý, tyńdaý daǵdylaryn qalyptastyrý.
Tárbıelik: Oqýshylardy tabıǵatty qorǵaýǵa, uqyptylyqqa, tazalyqqa tárbıeleý.
Tájirıbelik: Ótken leksıkany, syn esimniń shyraılaryn is júzinde qoldaný.
Sabaq túri: dástúrli
Sabaq tıpi: qaıtalaý sabaǵy
Sabaqta qoldanylatyn ádister: jattyǵý, áńgimelesý, kórnekilik, aýdarma, suraq - jaýap.
Pánaralyq baılanys: ekologıa, qazaq tili.
Qoldanylǵan ádebıetter: T. Aıapova«Aǵylshyn tili»7 synyp«Atamura»Almaty oqytý ádistemesi. Elektrondy oqýlyq 5 synyp, I. P. Ermachenko«Dıdaktıcheskıı materıal»
The plan of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a. greeting
b. speech drill
II. Presentation of new material.
III. Development of pupil’s reading habits
IV. Concluding stage
a. giving home task
b. putting marks
Sabaqtyń barysy
Organization moment
- Good afternoon, children!
- Sid down!
Marking absents
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What was your home task?
Speech drill.
- What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- What is the weather like today?
Warm - up.
Pupils, look at the blackboard. There are animals’ pictures. You should name them.
Vocabulary work.
Students, look at this box. Here you can find words in Kazakh, take them and say English equivalents.
Exercise 1.
OK. Now, say me what have you understood.
Exercise 2.
You should say “true” these sentences or “false”.
1. Forests are the lungs of the planet.
2. Animals are the eyes of the platen.
3. People will die without Nature.
4. Plants and factories are harmful for Nature.
5. “Acid rains” happen because of the dust in the air.
6. “Blue Peace” is an ecological organization.
7. Rare animals can live in special reservation.
8. We hate our planet.
9. The Earth is a miracle
Pupils we revise degrees of comparisons of adjectives. Let s do the exercises
Conclusion. Speaking
In every unit for concluding your ideas we prepare project works. Now say about your works.
You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good and I put excellent.
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!
Good - bye!
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý