Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 apta buryn)
Qalyń qalaı? Sen neshedesiń?
Qalyń qalaı? Sen neshedesiń? (5 - sabaq)

Sabaqtyń ataýy: Qalyń qalaı? Sen neshedesiń?
Silteme: Taqyryptyq kúntizbelik jospar, sabaq jospary, oqýlyqtan alynǵan materıal (papka: resýrstar)
Tapsyrmalar: Sabaq barysy
Checking up the home task: What was your home task? Do have any questions?
Who is ready? Is there any volunteers?

Warm up: one big apples
Under a tree.
One is for you
And one’s for me.
Read and Remember: Look at the words and use dictionary and you may check their meaning
A Vocabulary quiz: Give your partner a vocabulary quiz. Follow the stages.
Stage 1 Think of ten words and write quiz questions like these:
The first letter is…/How do you spell…? /What is …in English?
Listen and repeat: Colin: Hello, Omar. How are you?
Omar: Oh, I'm OK, thanks. And you?
Colin: I'm well, thank you.
Omar: How old are you today?
Colin: I'm 14. And you?
Omar: I'm 11.
Exercise 1 - 3 listen and repeat
Omar: How old are you?
Colin: I'm 14.
Grammar Structure: Questions: What, Where, Which, How old;
Feedback: Tell about your hobby Exercise 3 - 9 page 26 - 30
Home work: 12 – jattyǵý 28 bet

Qalyń qalaı? Sen neshedesiń? júkteý

Sabaqtyń tolyq nusqasyn qaraý

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