- 05 naý. 2024 03:43
- 243
Revision lesson (Ashyq sabaq)
Informatıka 6 synyp
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson
Aims of the lesson: 1) Ótken taqyryptardy qaıtalaı otyryp, este saqtaý qabiletterin qalyptastyrý.
2) Oılaý qabiletterin damytý.
3) Bir - birin tyńdap túsinýge tárbıeleý.
Type of the lesson: Revision lesson
Methods of the lesson: reading, speaking and group work
Aids of the lesson: posters and grammar poster
I. Organization moment: Good morning pupils! Who is absent?
I’m glad to see you! What date is it today?
II. Warm up: Find the British holidays.
1) lnvtaeine (Valentine’s Day) 2) ewn arye (New Year) 3) rshtcisma (Chirstmas)
olahelwen (Halloween) onbirfe ihtgn (Bonfire Night) hnitaksgivng (Thanksgiving)
III. Training tasks: Task 1. Complete the sentences with correct verbs.
+ I ……….. TV yesterday afternoon (watch)
- He ……. watch TV yesterday morning
? ……. you watch TV yesterday?
+ I …….. Almaty last year
- We ……. not Almaty last year
? ……… you Almaty last year?
Task 2. Past Simple with was\were
+He………football yesterday (play)
- He………. play football yesterday
?......... he play football yesterday?
+I……at school yesterday
- I……. not at school yesterday
?......... you at school yesterday?
+She…….. her mother yesterday (help)
- She……. help her mother yesterday
?...... she help her mother yesterday?
Task 3. Past Continuous. Complete the sentences.
+I……at home yesterday
- I……not at home yesterday
?....... you at home yesterday?
1) What were you doing at 3 o’ clock yesterday? I was……my homework
2) What were you doing at 6 o’ clock last Sunday? (play tennis)
3) Yesterday at 8 o’ clock Omar and Asel……………. TV.
1) What were you doing at 1 o’ clock yesterday? I was……. my lunch
2) What were you doing at 3 o’ clock last Sunday? (watch TV)
3) Yesterday at 8 o’ clock Colin……………. tennis.
1) What were you doing at 4 o’ clock yesterday? I was……. football
2) What were you doing at 8 o’ clock last Sunday? (have breakfast)
3) Yesterday at 5 o’ clock Dmitry……………. a book.
Task 4. Complete the sentences with Comporative and Superlative Adjectives.
Plane is …….. than train (fast)
Almaty is …….. than Astana (big)
Buildings in New York are ………than in London (tall)
Dmitry is the ………… (tall)
Asel is the ………… (short)
Motorbike is …….. than bike (fast)
Almaty is …….. than Astana (old)
Buildings in Astana are ………than in Moscow (new)
Jennifer is the ………… (tall)
Omar is the ………… (short)
Mercedes is …….. than Toyota (fast)
Astana is …….. than Almaty (small)
Baiterek Tower is ………than in Altyn Adam Tower (tall)
Dmitry is ……than Omar (tall)
Asel is …… than Jennifer (short)
Panfılov atyndaǵy orta mektep
Komýnaldyq memlekettik mekemesi
Aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi E. Jumaǵalıuly
Revision lesson (Ashyq sabaq). júkteý
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson
Aims of the lesson: 1) Ótken taqyryptardy qaıtalaı otyryp, este saqtaý qabiletterin qalyptastyrý.
2) Oılaý qabiletterin damytý.
3) Bir - birin tyńdap túsinýge tárbıeleý.
Type of the lesson: Revision lesson
Methods of the lesson: reading, speaking and group work
Aids of the lesson: posters and grammar poster
I. Organization moment: Good morning pupils! Who is absent?
I’m glad to see you! What date is it today?
II. Warm up: Find the British holidays.
1) lnvtaeine (Valentine’s Day) 2) ewn arye (New Year) 3) rshtcisma (Chirstmas)
olahelwen (Halloween) onbirfe ihtgn (Bonfire Night) hnitaksgivng (Thanksgiving)
III. Training tasks: Task 1. Complete the sentences with correct verbs.
+ I ……….. TV yesterday afternoon (watch)
- He ……. watch TV yesterday morning
? ……. you watch TV yesterday?
+ I …….. Almaty last year
- We ……. not Almaty last year
? ……… you Almaty last year?
Task 2. Past Simple with was\were
+He………football yesterday (play)
- He………. play football yesterday
?......... he play football yesterday?
+I……at school yesterday
- I……. not at school yesterday
?......... you at school yesterday?
+She…….. her mother yesterday (help)
- She……. help her mother yesterday
?...... she help her mother yesterday?
Task 3. Past Continuous. Complete the sentences.
+I……at home yesterday
- I……not at home yesterday
?....... you at home yesterday?
1) What were you doing at 3 o’ clock yesterday? I was……my homework
2) What were you doing at 6 o’ clock last Sunday? (play tennis)
3) Yesterday at 8 o’ clock Omar and Asel……………. TV.
1) What were you doing at 1 o’ clock yesterday? I was……. my lunch
2) What were you doing at 3 o’ clock last Sunday? (watch TV)
3) Yesterday at 8 o’ clock Colin……………. tennis.
1) What were you doing at 4 o’ clock yesterday? I was……. football
2) What were you doing at 8 o’ clock last Sunday? (have breakfast)
3) Yesterday at 5 o’ clock Dmitry……………. a book.
Task 4. Complete the sentences with Comporative and Superlative Adjectives.
Plane is …….. than train (fast)
Almaty is …….. than Astana (big)
Buildings in New York are ………than in London (tall)
Dmitry is the ………… (tall)
Asel is the ………… (short)
Motorbike is …….. than bike (fast)
Almaty is …….. than Astana (old)
Buildings in Astana are ………than in Moscow (new)
Jennifer is the ………… (tall)
Omar is the ………… (short)
Mercedes is …….. than Toyota (fast)
Astana is …….. than Almaty (small)
Baiterek Tower is ………than in Altyn Adam Tower (tall)
Dmitry is ……than Omar (tall)
Asel is …… than Jennifer (short)
Panfılov atyndaǵy orta mektep
Komýnaldyq memlekettik mekemesi
Aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi E. Jumaǵalıuly
Revision lesson (Ashyq sabaq). júkteý