Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 5 kún buryn)
“Who is the best?” - Tapqyr bolsań ozyp kór
“Who is the best?” - Tapqyr bolsań ozyp kór
Maqsaty :
• Aǵylshyn tilin túsinýdi úıretý;
• Alǵan bilimderin, daǵdylaryn naqty sıtýasıada qoldana bilý; oı-órisin keńeıtý; logıkalyq oılaýdy damytý; tildik, zıatkerlik, tanymdyq qabiletterin damytý;
• Topta jumys isteýdi bilý; aǵylshyn tiline qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyrý; qarym-qatynas mádenıetin qalyptastyrý.
Kórnekilikter: ınteraktıvti taqta, plakattar
I Organization moment.
I- J: Good afternoon, dear teachers, dear pupils! Welcome to the party! We congratulate you with the holiday of languages! Nowadays it is very important to learn three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. As you know there about 3 thousand languages in the world. English is the most widespread. It is the official language in many countries. It is the official language of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, in the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. It is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. English is now dominant or official language in more than 60 countries in the world. It is a language of Internet and it has become the language of business, politics, science, communication.

II- j: Qaıyrly kún qurmetti muǵalimder, oqýshylar! Sizderdi tilder merekesimen quttyqtaı otyryp, zor densaýlyq, baqyt jáne tilderdi jaqsy oqyp meńgerýlerine tilektespiz. “Qazaqstan halqy búkil álemde úsh tildi paıdalanatyn mádenıetti el retinde tanylýǵa tıis. Bular: qazaq tili - memlekettik til, orys tili - ultaralyq til jáne aǵylshyn tili - jahandyq ekonomıkaǵa oıdaǵydaı kirigý tili ”.
Álemde 3 myńnan astam tilder bar. Aǵylshyn tili eń keń taraǵan tilderdiń biri. Ol kóptegen elderde memlekettik til bolyp tabylady.Ol Uly Brıtanıanyń jáne Soltústik Irlandıanyń, AQSH-tyń, Aýstralıanyń jáne Jańa Zelandıanyń memlekettik tili bolyp keledi.Aǵylshyn tili memlekettik tildiń biri bolyp Kanadada, Irlandıa Respýblıkasynda jáne Ońtústik Afrıkada qoldanylady. Ol ekinshi til bolyp Indıanyń jáne Afrıkanyń kóptegen jerlerinde sóılenedi.Qazirgi kezde aǵylshyn tili basym ne memlekettik til bolyp 60 astam elderde qoldanylady. Ol Internet, bıznes, saıasat, ǵylym men komýnıkasıa tili.

I- J: Today at our school we have a big competition “Who’s the best?” Before our competition let’s invite our judges. They will give you marks for the competition. Our jury consists of the following teachers-----------------------
II- J.: Búgingi saıysymyz “Tapqyr bolsań ozyp kór” dep atalady. Saıysymyzdy bastamas buryn ádil-qazylar alqasyn saılap alaıyq.Olardy óz oryndaryna jaıǵasýdy suraımyz.

III- Let’s invite the participiants of our game. There are two teams. You are welcome. /The music ./
Each team must introduce yourself.
- Eı, tákappar dúnıe
Maǵan da bir qarashy.
Tanymasań sen meni
Men qazaqtyń balasy,- dep aqyndar jyrlaǵandaı, birinshi kezeń “Tanystyrý”. Eki top ózderin tanystyrady.
I . We wish you good luck and success. Let’s begin our competition. The first round is “Baiga”. The task is to answer the questions as quickly as possible. Answer the questions in a chain.
II Qurmetti oıynshylar, biz sizderge sáttilik pen tabys tileımiz. Oıynnyń birinshi kezeńi - “Báıge”. Suraqtarǵa qaı top jyldam jaýap beredi? Suraqtarǵa toptar kezek-kezek jaýap berý kerek.
1. What is the biggest state of the USA?( Alaska)
2. Where is the statue of Liberty situated? (New York)
3. Who is the author of “ROMEO AND JULLIETA”? ( Shakespeare)
4. Who is the author of “ASIA” ? (Oljas Sýleımenov)
5. How many states are there in America? (50)
6. When is America’s Independence Day? (July,4)
7. What is the capital of New Zealand? ( Wellington)
8. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
9. Who was the first President of the USA?- George Washington
10. What is the national symbol of England? ( Rose)
10.What is the longest river in London? (the Thames)
11. What is the Big Ben? ( a clock)
12. What is the highest mountain in GB? (Ben Nevis)
II. I- The second round is “ Who is the best?”
In these envelopes there are two letters: A and B. I will read you questions and all answers will start with the letters A or B.

II- Ekinshi raýnd - “Kim eń bilimdi”? Myna konvertte eki áripter bar. Top jetekshileri tańdap alǵan áripten ǵana bastalatyn jaýap beredi.
Letter A
1. The name of the fruit. (apple)
2. The river of the USA. (Amazonka)
3. The name of the month. ( April)
4. The capital of Kazakhstan. (Astana)
5. One of the Oceans ( Atlantic Ocean)
6. The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)
Letter B
1. A little child (baby)
2. The name of the fruit. (banana)
3. The antonym of the word “good”. (bad)
4. A kind of the dance. (ballet)
5. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)
6 .The English poet /Byron /
- Knowing foreign languages has a practical value. It makes us easier to choose a profession and provides a job promotion. Today there are a lot of people in Europe and Asia who know several languages. Cardinal Mezzophanty who lived in the middle of the last century knew 100 languages. Professor Hesstermann from Germany knew 132 languages.
- Kóptegen tarıhı tulǵalar, dıplomattar, qolbasshylar birneshe tilde sóılegen. Mysaly, Bogdan Hmelnıskıı 5 tildi meńgergen, al Ekaterına İİ orys,nemis tilderden bólek taǵy da úsh tildi jetik meńgergen.

III The next round is “Polyglot”. Let’s solve the riddles and give an answer in three languages.
- Kelesi kezekte “Polıglot” saıysy. Balalar, “polıglot” dep qimdi ataıdy? Jumbaqtardy sheship, jaýabyn 3 tilde berý kerek.Eki top kezek-kezek jaýap beredi.Bir top jaýap berelmese ekinshi topqa jaýap berýge bolady.
1. Aıdalada aq otaý
Aýzy-murny joq otaý. /An egg/
2. Alasa ǵana boıy bar,
Aınaldyryp kıgen tony bar. / an onion /
3. A little woman has twelve children. / a year /
4. It is vegetable
It has many eyes. /potato/
5. Vezet, a ne loshad,
Letıt, a ne ptısa ,
Jýjjıt, a na pchela. /a plane/
6. Ýpadet- poskachet,
Ýdarısh- ne plachet. /a ball/
6. Kórgenim joq naq bulardaı artısi,
Túri birdeı, al izderi ár tústi. /a pencil/
8. Basyn qaqshandatsa da.
Keýdesi kótere almaıdy,
Túp-túzý kele jatsa da ,
Jaltaryp-bultaryp aldaıdy. /water/
9. Ol ózi qolymdaǵy elgezegim,
Jumsasam, aıtaqyrda jol kezerim. /A pen/
10. Sý ishinde jeliger,
Qum ústinde demiger. /a fish/

IV. Who knows more words?
I team – Kinds of food.
II team- Kinds of clothing.

V Find the words and give them to the judges. Orny aýysyp turǵan áripterden sóz qurap , ádil- qazylar alqasyna baǵalaýǵa berińizder.
Mýzykalyq úzilis – Almas “Brother Louir”
1- team: ocunyrt – country
repsent - present
rnefch – French
lidhoay – holiday
2- team: erthegot - together
dinerf - friend
velyol – lovely
netogu – tongue

VI. “Flags”. You know that each country has its own flag.There are 3 flags on a side. Find which country’s flag is it?
Bul qaı eldiń týy bilesińder me?
VII. ‘Linking words’. We want to know how many words each team knows.
Sóztizbek jalǵastyrý. Kim kóp sóz biledi?
• I team: Language – excellent- ten- etc.
II team: official – line- etc.
Mýzykalyq úzilis Olzhas -------
- And now we want to play a game with the spectators. Who can say these tongue twisters without any mistakes?

Kelesi kezekte kórermendermen oıyn. Kim berilgen jańyltpashtardy jańylmaı aıtady, sol oqýshyǵa syılyq beriledi.
I She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
II A proper copper coffee pot.
III Swan swam over the pond, swim swan swim, swan swam back again- well swum swan!
IV Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper?

VIII. Find the words:
I team : Eco – logy, prob – lem, Scot – land, pre – sent, Ita – lian
II team: impre – ssion, Can – berra, Rus – sian, mu – sic, tempo – rary
Mýzykalyq úzilis- Balnur- “Daddy cool”

IX The next task is to find the opposites of the words. You will be given the sheets of paper with adjectives. Find the antonyms and translate them into Kazakh.
- Kelesi tapsyrma- berilgen sózderdiń antonımderin taýyp, qazaq tiline aýdaryńdar.
For the first group:
Fast---- cheap
Small----- dirty
Clean---- boring
Interesting----- big
Expensive----- slow
For the second group:
Safe----- easy
Famous----- cold
Old ----- young
Hot ----- well-known
Difficult ----- dangerous

- While the judges will give the teams the marks let’s listen to the song and enjoy it. It’ a very popular song from the famous film “Titanic” .You’re welcome, Nazerke.

X. Conclusion. Awarding the winners.
Our game comes to the end. I think that you’ll see it’s very important to study English. I wish you success in studying English. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye!

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