- 05 naý. 2024 03:41
- 173
Aǵylshyn tilinen arnaýly kýrs baǵdarlamasy
Aǵylshyn tilinen arnaýly kýrs baǵdarlamasy
11 klasqa arnalǵan
Qoǵamdyq - gýmanıtarlyq baǵyt
Kýrstyń mazmuny
İ. The noun (1 saǵat). Lexical and grammatical description of the noun (1saǵat). Revision
İİ. The article (1saǵat). The definite and indefinite article (1saǵat). Revision.
İİİ. The Adjective (2saǵat). Morphological structure of adjectives (1saǵat), Degrees of comparison of adjectives (1saǵat). Exercises.
İV. The Numeral (1saǵat). Types of numerals (1saǵat). Exercises.
V. The Pronoun (2 saǵat). Morphological structure and categories of pronouns (1saǵat), Types of pronouns (1saǵat). Revision.
VI. The Verb (2 saǵat). Link, auxiliary verbs (1saǵat), The modal verbs (1saǵat). Exercises.
VII. Simple tenses (3saǵat). Present simple tense (1saǵat), Past simple tense (1saǵat), Future simple tense (1saǵat). Exercises.
VIII. Simple continuous tenses (3saǵat). Present continuous tense(1saǵat), Past continuous tense(1saǵat), Future continuous tense(1saǵat). Revision
IX. Perfect tenses (3 saǵat). Present perfect tense(1saǵat), Past perfect tense(1saǵat), Future perfect tense (1saǵat). Exercises.
X. Perfect continuous tenses (3 saǵat). Present perfect continuous tense (1saǵat), Past perfect continuous tense (1saǵat), Future perfect continuous tense (1saǵat). Test.
XI. Voice category (1saǵat). Passive voice (1saǵat). Exercises.
XII. Mood category of the verb (3 saǵat). Imperative mood (1saǵat), Subjunctive mood (1saǵat), Indicative mood (1saǵat). Exercises.
XIII. The Infinitive (1saǵat). The Infinitive (1saǵat).
XIV. The participle (1saǵat). The participle (1saǵat).
XV. The Gerund (1saǵat). The Gerund (1saǵat).
XVI. The Adverb (2 saǵat). Kinds of adverbs (1saǵat), Degrees of adverbs (1saǵat).
XVII. The preposition (1 saǵat). Groups of prepositions (1saǵat).
XVIII. The Conjunction (1 saǵat). Types of conjunction (1saǵat).
XIX. The Interjection (1 saǵat). Kinds of Interjection (1saǵat).
XX. Word - building (1 saǵat).
Aǵylshyn tilinen arnaýly kýrs baǵdarlamasy. júkteý
Aǵylshyn tilinen arnaýly kýrs baǵdarlamasy
11 klasqa arnalǵan
Qoǵamdyq - gýmanıtarlyq baǵyt
Kýrstyń mazmuny
İ. The noun (1 saǵat). Lexical and grammatical description of the noun (1saǵat). Revision
İİ. The article (1saǵat). The definite and indefinite article (1saǵat). Revision.
İİİ. The Adjective (2saǵat). Morphological structure of adjectives (1saǵat), Degrees of comparison of adjectives (1saǵat). Exercises.
İV. The Numeral (1saǵat). Types of numerals (1saǵat). Exercises.
V. The Pronoun (2 saǵat). Morphological structure and categories of pronouns (1saǵat), Types of pronouns (1saǵat). Revision.
VI. The Verb (2 saǵat). Link, auxiliary verbs (1saǵat), The modal verbs (1saǵat). Exercises.
VII. Simple tenses (3saǵat). Present simple tense (1saǵat), Past simple tense (1saǵat), Future simple tense (1saǵat). Exercises.
VIII. Simple continuous tenses (3saǵat). Present continuous tense(1saǵat), Past continuous tense(1saǵat), Future continuous tense(1saǵat). Revision
IX. Perfect tenses (3 saǵat). Present perfect tense(1saǵat), Past perfect tense(1saǵat), Future perfect tense (1saǵat). Exercises.
X. Perfect continuous tenses (3 saǵat). Present perfect continuous tense (1saǵat), Past perfect continuous tense (1saǵat), Future perfect continuous tense (1saǵat). Test.
XI. Voice category (1saǵat). Passive voice (1saǵat). Exercises.
XII. Mood category of the verb (3 saǵat). Imperative mood (1saǵat), Subjunctive mood (1saǵat), Indicative mood (1saǵat). Exercises.
XIII. The Infinitive (1saǵat). The Infinitive (1saǵat).
XIV. The participle (1saǵat). The participle (1saǵat).
XV. The Gerund (1saǵat). The Gerund (1saǵat).
XVI. The Adverb (2 saǵat). Kinds of adverbs (1saǵat), Degrees of adverbs (1saǵat).
XVII. The preposition (1 saǵat). Groups of prepositions (1saǵat).
XVIII. The Conjunction (1 saǵat). Types of conjunction (1saǵat).
XIX. The Interjection (1 saǵat). Kinds of Interjection (1saǵat).
XX. Word - building (1 saǵat).
Aǵylshyn tilinen arnaýly kýrs baǵdarlamasy. júkteý