- 04 naý. 2024 23:58
- 232
Bastaýysh synyptarǵa arnalǵan aǵylshyn tilinen test
Qyzylorda oblysy,
Qazaly aýdany, Áıteke bı kenti,
№249 mektep-lıseıdiń aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi
Seralıeva Dınara Kýanyshbaevna
Bastaýysh synyptarǵa arnalǵan test
1. Find the spelling of the letter Mm.
a) el
b) em
c) en
2. Give the Kazakh translation of the word “flower”.
a) Otbasy b) ata-ana c) gúl
3. Put the sentence into the interrogative form: This is a ball.
a) this is a ball?
b) is this a doll?
c) is this a ball?
4. Open the brackets and translate the word: My (muryn) can smell.
a) eye b) nose c) ear
5. Translate the sentence: I can read.
a) Men jaza alamyn.
b) Sen júze alasyń
c) Men oqı alamyn.
6. Give the Kazakh translation of the world: colours.
a) Túster
b) janýarlar
c) oıynshyqtar.
7. Find the negative sentence
a) I can write
b) I cannot swim
c) Can you swim?
8. Open the brackets and translate the word: This is a (túlki).
a) Tiger
b) bear
c) fox.
9. Translate the sentence: Mynaý qoıan.
a) This is a hare.
b) this is a bear
c) the hare is white.
10. Put the sentence into the interrogative form: You can jump.
a) Can you jump?
b) You can jump?
c) I can jump
11. Make a sentence: like to I play.
a) I play to like b) Play to like I c) I like to play.
12. Complete the sentence: How _________ you?
a) Is
b) are
c) am.
13. Fine the odd one:
a) Red
b) green
c) lion.
14. Make a word: othemr
a) Father
b) mother
c) monkey.
15. Complete the sentence: My father is a ______________.
a) Teacher
b) door
c) elephant.
16. Answer the question: Whose jacket is this?
a) Yes, it is.
b) this is jacket
c) this is Aizhan’s.
17. Find the odd one:
a) Doll
b) ball
c) blackboard .
18. Write the word: br_th_r
a) Brether
b) brother
c) blackboard
19. Answer the question: Where are you from?
a) My name is Sara.
b) This is an apple
c) I am from Kazakhstan.
20. Write the time in words: 6:40
a) It’s five to seven.
b) it’s seven.
c) it’s twenty to seven.
Qazaly aýdany, Áıteke bı kenti,
№249 mektep-lıseıdiń aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi
Seralıeva Dınara Kýanyshbaevna
Bastaýysh synyptarǵa arnalǵan test
1. Find the spelling of the letter Mm.
a) el
b) em
c) en
2. Give the Kazakh translation of the word “flower”.
a) Otbasy b) ata-ana c) gúl
3. Put the sentence into the interrogative form: This is a ball.
a) this is a ball?
b) is this a doll?
c) is this a ball?
4. Open the brackets and translate the word: My (muryn) can smell.
a) eye b) nose c) ear
5. Translate the sentence: I can read.
a) Men jaza alamyn.
b) Sen júze alasyń
c) Men oqı alamyn.
6. Give the Kazakh translation of the world: colours.
a) Túster
b) janýarlar
c) oıynshyqtar.
7. Find the negative sentence
a) I can write
b) I cannot swim
c) Can you swim?
8. Open the brackets and translate the word: This is a (túlki).
a) Tiger
b) bear
c) fox.
9. Translate the sentence: Mynaý qoıan.
a) This is a hare.
b) this is a bear
c) the hare is white.
10. Put the sentence into the interrogative form: You can jump.
a) Can you jump?
b) You can jump?
c) I can jump
11. Make a sentence: like to I play.
a) I play to like b) Play to like I c) I like to play.
12. Complete the sentence: How _________ you?
a) Is
b) are
c) am.
13. Fine the odd one:
a) Red
b) green
c) lion.
14. Make a word: othemr
a) Father
b) mother
c) monkey.
15. Complete the sentence: My father is a ______________.
a) Teacher
b) door
c) elephant.
16. Answer the question: Whose jacket is this?
a) Yes, it is.
b) this is jacket
c) this is Aizhan’s.
17. Find the odd one:
a) Doll
b) ball
c) blackboard .
18. Write the word: br_th_r
a) Brether
b) brother
c) blackboard
19. Answer the question: Where are you from?
a) My name is Sara.
b) This is an apple
c) I am from Kazakhstan.
20. Write the time in words: 6:40
a) It’s five to seven.
b) it’s seven.
c) it’s twenty to seven.