Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 6 kún buryn)
Brain ring «Aǵylshyn jazýshylarynyń kitaptary»
Almaty oblysy, Kerbulaq aýdany, Saryózek aýyly
Sergıbaıva Gýlnaz Akjolovna

oqýshylardyń oqýǵa degen yntasyn arttyrý jáne Ulybrıtanıa ádebıetterimen tanystyrý.
1. Oqýshylardy aǵylshyn jazýshylarymen jáne osy jazýshylardyń jumystarymen tanystyrý;
2. Oqýshylardyń oılaý jáne este saqtaý qabiletterin damytý;
3. Oqýshylardyń Ulybrıtanıa mádenıetine jáne oqýǵa degen qyzyǵýshylyǵyn tárbıeleý.
Búgin biz ertegiler jaıynda sóılesemiz. Balalar sender kelisetin shyǵarsyńdar, bul óte qyzyqty taqyryp. Al, dálirek aıtatyn bolsaq Ulybrıtanıa ertegileri jaıly maǵlumat alamyz. Kóptegen ertegiler senderge balalyq shaqtaryńnan tanys. Osy áıgili ertegilerdi kim jazǵany jaıly bilgileriń keleme? Endeshe osy ǵajaıyp ertegilerdi qanshalyqty jaqsy biletinderińdi osy jarysta kóre jatarmyz. Búgingi jarysta Alan Mıln, Lúıs Keroll, Redárd Kıplıng, Pamela Trevers, Djoan Roýlıng sıaqty áıgili jazýshylardyń attaryn estısińder.

Today we will talk about fairy tales. Will you agree the topic is very interesting and entertaining? Many of them are familiar for you from your childhood. Today you will know more about the author of the fairy tales and compete in the knowledge of these magical stories. In today’s competition you will hear such names as Alan Milne, Lewis Carol, Rudyard Kipling, Pamela Travers, JK Rowling.
Jarysymyzdy bastamas buryn osy jarysqa qatysatyn toptarmen jáne ádil – qazylar alqasymen tanystyryp óteıik.
Birinshi tobymyzdyń aty «Childhood adventure», ekinshi tobymyzdyi aty «Magical world».

Alan Milne
Alan Milne grew up in a family where children are encouraged to be creative, in his early years, he wrote poetry, and showed the ability of the exact sciences. Milne went to college in the Mathematics Department. As a student, he wrote articles and poems in the magazine. As a result, began to work in the magazine "Punch" in London. Married Dorothy de Semenkur, in 1920 they had a son, Christopher Robin. For the son of him and Milne wrote stories about Winnie the Pooh. Prototypes Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger were Robin’s toys. They are now kept in teddy bears museum in London.
Contest 1
What fairy - tale is it? (Qaı ertegi?)

1 task: Who are talking and from which fairy tale? (Kimder sóılep jatyr jáne qaı ertegiden alynǵan?)
Vınnı jáne Krıstofer Robın (sahnada «Vınnı Pýh jáne bári, bári, bári» ertegisinen úzindi):
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
- I wonder if you've got such a thing as a balloon about you?
- A balloon?
- Yes, I just said to myself coming along: 'I wonder if ýou have such a thing as a balloon about you?
- What do you want a balloon for?
- Honey!
- But you don't get honey with balloons!
- I do.
- Which one would you like?
- When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees know you're coming. If you have a blue balloon, they might think you were only part of the sky, and not notice you.
- Then you had better have the blue balloon!

Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.

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