Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 3 kún buryn)
Meniń sómkem qaı jerde?
Theme: Where is my bag?
Taqyryby: Meniń sómkem qaı jerde?
Aims: Maqsaty:
1) to get pupils acquainted with new theme.
Oqýshylarǵa jańa sabaqty túsindirip, qalyptastyrý.
2) To develop speech skills.
Oqýshylardyń sózdik qoryn damytý.
3) Questing: Where?
Suraq: Qaıda? Qaı
4) The prepositions: in, on, under.
Predlogtar: ishinde, ústinde, astynda.
5) To play games.
Oıyndar oınaý.
Methods: question – answer, mixed.
Ádisi: suraq – jaýap, aralas.
Type: game (oıyn sabaq). Combined. Aralas sabaq
Visual aids: pictures, things, interactive blackboard.
Sýretter, zattar, sharlar.
The plan of the lesson:
1. Organization moment. (Uıymdastyrý kezeńi)
2. Greeting.
Teacher: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning, to you.
Good morning dear children,
I am glad to see you.

Children: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning dear teacher,
We are glad to see you.
1. Introducing yourself. (Ózara tanysý)
- Hello!
- Hello!
- What is your name?
- My name is…
- How are you?
- I am fine, thank you.
- Where are you from?
- I am from Basykara.
- How old are you?
- I am eleven.
- Which class are you in?
- I am in 5 a.

2. Numbers game.
1 - one
2 - two
3 - three
4 - four
5 - five
6 - six
7 - seven
8 - eight
9 - nine
10 - ten
11 - eleven
12 - twelve
13 - thirteen
14 - fourteen
15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen
18 - eighteen
19 - nineteen
20 - twenty

Shar arqyly oınatamyn. (qyzyl «5», kók – «4», sary «3»)
5. Match the things. (Zattardyń sýretteri kórsetiledi)
A pen
A computer
A table
a pencil
a ruler
a calculator
a notebook
a book
a rubber
a chair

- What’s picture 5’
- It’s a computer.
(osy jerde oqýshylardan aýyzsha zattardy suraımyn) (ár toptan)
- What’s this?
- It’s a pen.
What’s this?
It is a notebook.
Is it a pencil?
No, It is not. It’s a pen.

2. New lesson. (jańa sabaq)
The 1 st of December.
Where is my bag?
Question: Where? – Qaıda? Qaı jerde?
Preposition: in - ishinde
On - ústinde
Under - astynda
Where is my bag?
- It is on the chair. (stol ústindegi sýmka)
- Where are my books?
- They are in your bag.
- Where is my bag?
- It is under the chair. (stol astyndaǵy sýmka)
- Where are the books?
- They are in the bookcase(shkaftyń ishinde)

1 - task. Find the things. (sýretter arqyly beriledi)
- Where are the books?
- They are on the table. (stol ústinde kitaptar)
- Where is my pen?
- It is on your desk. (parta ústinde qalamsap)
Where is my pencil?
- It is on the desk. (parta ústinde qaryndash)
- Where are the books?
- They are in the bookcase.
- Where is the bag?
- It is under the chair. (oryndyq astynda)

2 - task. Answer the questions.
- Where is Almaty?
- It is in Kazakhstan.
- Where is Moscow?
- It is in Russia.
- Where is New - York?
- It is in America.
- Where is in Tokyo?
- It is in Japan.
- Where is Paris?
- It is in France.

Kerekti sózder:
France – Fransıa
Japan – Japonıa
America - Amerıka

3 - task. Match the words.
a) Is, bag, my, where? – sýmka.
On, is, the, it, chair.
v) are, the, books, where? – kitaptar.
are, they, the, in, bookcase.
s) Where, my, is, cat? – mysyq.
Is, under, the, chair, it.

a) Where is my bag?
It is on the chair.
v) Where are the books?
They are in the bookcase.
s) Where is my cat?
It is under the chair.

VI. The end. Homework

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