Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 apta buryn)
Plants and animals (Ósimdikter men janýarlar)
The theme of the lesson: Plants and animals
Class: 7
Aims: To develop students skills and habits in oral speech. To support interest in subject. To develop students ‘ ability to discuss facts, ideas, using a range of topical vocabulary.
Visual aids: pictures, tables, toys, cards and computer.
Plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment.
IIChekcing home task.
III. A game "Guessing animals"
IV. Exercises.
V R. C Gaderning in England.
VI. A game "Flowers"
VII. Crossword.
VIII. Conclusion.
IX. Recomandation.
X. Marks.
IIXI. Home task.
Procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Good morning, children! Nice to meet you. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we will speak about animals and plants. Listen and be attentive. I’ll ask you some guestions. First think then speak. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
- Do you like animals?
- What’ is your favourite animal?
- Have you got any pets?
- What do you know about wild animals? Name some of them.
- What kind of domestic animals do you khow?
- What’s your dog’s name?
- Does it like meat?
- Can you describe your cat or dog?
- Do you go for a walk with your cat or dog?
- What colour of your dog?
- Is it clever?

II What is your home task for today?(To draw a diagram, to learn new vocabulary).
The next part of the lesson is a game.

III. Guessing animals.
I”ll read the definition and you must guess what animal is it.
- It lives on the farm. It flies badly. It eats corn. It lays eggs. It sings songs.
What is it?(a hen).
- It lives on the farm. It runs well. It eats grass. It gives milk.
What is it?(a cow).
It is brown. It has got 4 legs. It sleeps in winter. What is it?(a bear).
I’m big. I’m gray My nose is long. My tail is short. (I’m an elephant).
Text “Stories about plants”. Listen and be attentive. You may hear unusual names of flowers. I want to give you some information from the internet. There are 12 months. Each month has its flower.

1. Snowdrop - jaýqazyn - podsnejnık. It is the flower for January. It is white as snow, it appears in forests and gardens. This plant is a native flower of Europe.
2. Primerose - pervosvet, is the flower for February. It can be white, yellow, red, pink, purple and orange. The flowers look like stars. It is the earliest spring flower.
3. Daffodil - the month of March is the daffodil. It appears very early in spring too. The flowers are usually white or yellow.
4. Daisies - margarıtka -(dástúrgúl). You can see them everywhere in the fields, gardens and even roadsides.
5. Hawthorn - boıaryshnık -(dolana) is the flower for May. It grows in a small three and it blossoms with pink, white or red flowers.
6. Honeysuckle - jımolost-(yrǵaq) is June’s flower.
7. Water lilies - kývshınka - is July’s flower.
8. Poppy - mak -(kóknar) is the flower for August. Poppies are white, red or yellow. They look like cups. They often grow wild in the mountains.
9. Morning glory - vún -(shyrmaýyq) is September’s flower. It is climbing plant with white, blue or purple blossoms. The morning glory has sweet smell and can grow wild.
10. Hop - hmel -(qulmaq) is the flower for October. People use it to make, beer. It is climbing plant which often decorates country houses.
11. Chrysanthemum – hrızantema. It is one of the oldest known flowers. It has grown in Japan for nearly two thousand years and is the national flower and the emblem of this island country.
12. Holly is the flower of December. It is the flower of Christmas season.
Please now open your vocabulary notebooks and write down the names of flowers for each month. There are 12 flowers. What other flowers do you khow? (Rose, tulip, aster, lilac, cactus, peony)
- Do you like flowers?
- Do you plant flowers?
- Do you water them?
- What is your favourite flower?
- Do you have a pot flower at home?
Thank you for your answers.

V. Let’s do some exercises.
Open your books on the page 50.
1. Here are three popular flowers. Who know their English names? Do you know the Kazakh names of the flowers in the picture?
Exercise3. Read the chart and complete it.
Flowers /What colour is it?/Where does it grow?/When?/

VI. Conclusion.
Thank you for your answers. Today we speak about animals and flowers. My dear friends you must take care of them. Look at the blackboard here some recommandations for you.

VII. You must remember:
Give them food every day.
Give them water every day.
Give them a clean and dry place to sleep.
You must plant trees, water the flowers
You know a Kazakh proverb "Bir tal julsań, on tal ek". You know our presidents programme "Zhasyl el". In summer holidays each of you water flowers in our school garden. It’s very useful for you.

VIII. Thank you very much. We had a very good time at the lesson. You have done many tasks. Count your points. I am satisfied with your answers. Please write down your home task for the next lesson.
IX. Describe your favourite flower, animal

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