Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 apta buryn)
Qazaqstandyq bilimdi jastardyń jappaı shetelge ketýiniń sebebi nede

Al Farabi Kazakh National University

Almaty, Kazakshtan

Faculty of Philology and World Languages


Candidate of Philological Sciences., Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies



Master of Arts.. Senior Teacher at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies


A teacher at the Department of Russian Philology and Russian and World Literature

Qazaqstandyq bilimdi jastardyń jappaı shetelge ketýiniń sebebi nede

Sońǵy jyldary elimizden 100 myńnan astam túlek shetelge ketken. Olardyń arasynda bolashaqta Qazaqstannyń damýyna úlken úles qosatyn nebir talantty jastar, ǵylymı qyzmetkerler, órshil, daryndy jańa býyn ókilderi bar. Sonymen, nelikten jastar shetelge aǵylýda? "Negizgi sebep — shetelde ómir súrý sapasy men bilim berý deńgeıi bizden aıtarlyqtaı joǵary. Onyń ústine shetelde bilim alý jyl saıyn qol jetimdi bola tústi. Máselen, Germanıada joǵary bilim alý tegin, basqa elderdiń joǵary oqý oryndary da ózge el azamattaryna túrli stıpendıalyq baǵdarlamalar usynady. Qazaqstanda da sapaly bilim alyp, jumys tájirıbesinen ótýge múmkindik bar, árıne. Ony halyqaralyq kompanıalarda tabysty jumys istep júrgen stýdentterimiz men ben túlekterimizden bilemiz.

Mysaly, Qazaqstannyń keıbir myqty jeke menshik ýnıversıtetter memlekettik joǵary oqý oryndary sıaqty arzan granttardyń sanyna úmit artpaıdy. Úmit artýdyń ózi tıimsiz ekenin túsindi. Mundaı ýnıversıtetter sheteldik bilimi bar mamandardy tarta otyryp, kadrlar quramyn kúsheıtýge tyrysady. Máselen KAZGUU ýnıversıteti aqyldy jastardyń shetelge ketýin toqtatý maqsatynda álemniń úzdik oqý oryndarymen baılanys ornatyp, halyqaralyq bilim berý salasynda úzdik dep tanylǵan otandyq akademıalyq kadrlardy jınap otyr. Búgingi tańda KAZGUU-de sheteldik bilimi bar 100-den astam oqytýshy sabaq beredi. Olar Fransıa, Ulybrıtanıa,Germanıa, Shveısarıa, AQSH, Ispanıa, QHR, Sıngapýr, Kıpr, Egıpet, Úndistan, Avstralıa, Bolgarıa, Ýkraına, Reseı, Túrkıa elderinde bilim alǵan. Oqytýshylardyń jartysyna jýyǵy Bolashaq baǵdarlamasynyń túlekteri. Garvard, Kembrıdj, Oksfordty bitirgen bul azamattar erkin jáne kreatıvti oılanady, joǵary akademıalyq talaptarǵa sáıkes keledi, qazir olar óz kezeginde stýdentterdiń oı-órisine jaqsy áser etýde.

Stýdentterge sheteldik biliminen basqa, óz salasyndaǵy eń myqty mamandar dáris berip jatqanyn túsiný mańyzdy. Kásibı salada muǵalimniń joǵary dárejesin obektıvti túrde baǵalaıtyn, bedeldi sertıfıkattaý standarttary bolady. Eger biz Qazaqstannyń bilim deńgeıin batystyq dárejege kóterip, profesorlyq quramdy nyǵaıtsaq, sapaly bilim júıesin qursaq zıatkerlik kóshi-qon aǵynyn toqtatamyz. Kerisinshe, sheteldik talapkerlerdi Qazaqstanǵa tartýǵa múmkindik jasaımyz", - deıdi Talǵat Nárikbaev


Maqalada qazaq jastarynyń kóbisi shet elge ketýi týraly jazylǵan. Nelikten jastar shet elge umtylýda degen suraqqa jaýap beredi. Shet elden kelgen oqýtyshylar týraly derekter de bar.

Tirek sózder: jastar, qazaq jastary, shet el, bilim, joǵarǵy oqý oryndary.


V state rasskazyvaetsá o kazahskoı molodejı stremıvshıhsá ýehat za granısý. Statá otvechaet na vopros: Pochemý molodoe pokolenıe stremıtsá ýehat. Tak je estınformasıa o zarýbejnyh prepodavateleı.

Klúchevye slova: molodej, molodej Kazahstana, zarýbejnoe obrazovanıe.


The article describes about the Kazakh youth who aspired to go abroad. The article answers the question: Why does the younger generation seek to leave. There is also information about foreign teachers.

Keywords: youth, youth of Kazakhstan, foreign education.

What is the reason for the mass departure of educated Kazakhstan youth abroad?

In recent years, more than 100 thousand graduates have left the country. Among them are talented youth, scientists, an ambitious, talented new generation who will make a significant contribution to the future development of Kazakhstan. So why are young people flocking abroad? “The main reason is that the quality of life and education abroad is much higher than ours. In addition, education abroad is becoming more accessible every year. For example, higher education in Germany is free, while universities in other countries offer various scholarship programs. In Kazakhstan, of course, there is an opportunity to get a quality education and work experience, we know this from our students and graduates who successfully work in international companies.

For example, some of the strongest private universities in Kazakhstan do not rely on cheap grants, such as public universities. He realized that even hope is ineffective. Such universities are trying to strengthen their staff by attracting specialists with foreign education. For example, in order to stop the outflow of smart youth, KAZGUU University established contacts with the best universities in the world and recruited domestic teachers recognized as the best in the field of international education. Today, KAZGUU employs over 100 teachers with foreign education. They studied in France, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Spain, China, Singapore, Cyprus, Egypt, India, Australia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey. About half of the teachers are Bolashak graduates. Graduates from Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford think freely and creatively, meet high academic standards, and now they, in turn, have a positive impact on the minds of students.

It is important to understand that in addition to foreign education, students are taught by the best specialists in their field. In the professional field, there are authoritative certification standards that objectively assess the high level of the teacher. If we raise the level of education in Kazakhstan to the western level, strengthen the teaching staff, create a high-quality education system, we will stop the flow of intellectual migration. On the contrary, we will be able to attract foreign applicants to Kazakhstan, ”Talgat Narikbayev said.


1. Author: Rayana Rinatova. For news site. 20.10.2020

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