Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 4 saǵat buryn)
The Present Continuous Tense (Naq osy Shaq)
I.Ábdikárimov atyndaǵy
agrarlyq tehnıkalyq kolejiniń oqytýshysy
Nýgmanova Maqpal Zeınýllaqyzy

Alǵy sóz
The Present Continuous Tense (Naq osy Shaq) tekst «Travelling» taqyrybynda PGS - 15o oqý tobynda ótkizilgen ashyq sabaqtyń jospary kúntizbelik – taqyryptyq josparǵa sáıkes jasaldy. Ashyq sabaq ótkizý barysynda ınovasıalyq tehnologıalar keńinen qoldanyldy. Atap aıtqanda syn turǵysynan oılaý ádisi, suraq – jaýap ádisi, deńgeılep saralap oqytý ádisi, oıyn elementteri keńinen qoldanyldy. Aǵylshyn tilin oqytý arqyly sabaqty qazaq tili jáne orys tili pánderimen, geografıa, etıka, halyqtyq pedagogıka, mýzyka pánderimen baılanystyrdym.
Úı tapsyrmasyna berilgen taqyrypty suraý barysynda «Jig so» ádisin balalar óte tıimdi, utymdy qoldana bildi.
Sabaq barysynda oqýshylar jańa taqyrypqa sáıkes naq osy shaqtyń qurylymyn, jasalý jolyn meńgerip, etistiktiń IV - formasyn qoldaný arqyly sıtýasıalyq shaǵyn áńgime qurastyra bilýi, balalardyń sózdik qoryn damytady. Ótken taqyryptarmen baılanystyra otyryp, ınternet arqyly gramatıkalyq jattyǵýlar oryndaýy, olardyń aǵylshyn tilin meńgerýge degen qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyra tústi. Sózdik qoryn baıytý maqsatynda qazaq halqy men aǵylshyn halqynyń taǵamdary týraly «Venn dıagramsyn» qurýǵa balalar erekshe atsalysty.
Jańa gramatıkalyq taqyrypty pysyqtaý maqsatynda flıpchartty paıdalaný arqyly túrli oıyndar men jattyǵýlar balalarǵa óte qyzyqty boldy, ári logıkalyq qabiletterin arttyra tústi.
Qoryta aıtqanda sabaq barysynda balalar oqý, tyńdaý arqyly
túsinýge, izdenýge túrli oıyndar arqyly óz qyzyǵýshylyqtaryn arttyra tústi. Pánaralyq baılanys arqyly sabaqtyń mazmuny da óz nátıjesin kórsetti.

Ashyq sabaq jospary
Ótkiziletin kúni:
Ótkiziletin orny:
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: The Present Continuous Tense ( Naq Osy Shaq)
Tekst: «Travelling»
Sabaqtyń túri: aralas sabaq
Sabaqtyń ádisi: syn turǵysynan oılaý, suraq - jaýap ádisi, deńgeılep saralap oqytý, damyta oqytý, túsindirmeli, oıyn elementteri.
Pánaralyq baılanys: qazaq tili páni, orys tili páni, geografıa. pánderimen, mýzyka, etıka, estetıkamen halyqtyq pedagogıkamen baılanys

Sabaqqa bólinetin ýaqyt: 80mınýt.
Sabaqtyń maqsaty:
a) bilimdiligi: oqýshylardyń jaı osy shaqtyń qurylymyn, jasalý jolyn túsinýi, etistiktiń sóılemde qoldanylýyn meńgerýi, ótken gramatıkalyq taqyryptarmen tolyqtyra otyryp, jáı osy shaqqa sáıkes sıtýasıa qurastyra bilýi, sózdik qoryn damytý.
á) tárbıelik máni: oqýshylardyń shetel tilin meńgerýge qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyrý, mádenıettilikke, jaýapkershilikke, izdenýge baýlý.
b) damytýshylyǵy: oqýshylardyń este saqtaý qabiletin arttyrý, logıkalyq oılaýyn, erkin sóıleýin, tildi meńgerýde aýdarma
jumysyna (oqý, tyńdaý arqyly) túsinýine qalyptastyrý, sózdik qoryn baıytý.

Sabaqtyń kórnekiligi: ınteraktıvti taqta, flıpcharttar, elektrondyq oqýlyq, slaıdtar.
Qoldanylǵan oqýlyqtar: 1. English for Businessmen. G. A. Dýdkına
2. Anglııskıı dlá sekretareı ı menedjerov. S. A. Sheveleva.
3. Praktıcheskıı kýrs anglııskogo ıazyka V. D. Arakına
4. Ýchebnık anglııskogo ıazyka N. A. Bonk

Sabaqtyń ótkizilý barysy
I. Uıymdastyrý kezeńi
II. Til syndyrý jattyǵýy
III. Fonetıkalyq jattyǵý «Sailor»
IV. Úı jumysyn suraý tekst “Shopping” jańa sózder, tekstti Jigso ádisi arqyly suraý)
V. Ótken gramatıkalyq taqyrypqa sáıkes jattyǵýlar oryndaý. Ex3 - 5 p. 26 - 27
VI. Jańa gramatıkalyq taqyrypty túsindirý. The Present Continuous Tense
VII. Jańa taqyrypqa sáıkes jattyǵýlar oryndaý ex. 1 - 5
VIII. Dıagram qurý. «Meals» (ótken taqyryppen baılanystyra otyryp )
IX. Jańa sózderdi túsindirý (etistiktiń is - áreketke qatysyn sýretterdi paıdalaný arqyly )
X. Jańa tekstti túsindirý. “Travelling”
XI. Elektrondy oqýlyqty paıdalaný arqyly jattyǵýlar oryndaý. (oıyn elementeri)
XII. Naq osy shaqqa sóılem qurastyrý.(logıkalyq oılaý, shapshańdyq)
XIII. Oqýshylardy baǵalaý
XIV. Úı jumysyn berý.(túsindirý) tekstti oqyp, aýdarý, suraqtarǵa jaýap berý, jańa sózderdi meńgerý, qysqasha esse jazý.
XV. Sabaqty qorytyndylaý.
The lesson structure

I. The organization moment
II. Speech drill exercises
III. Phonetic drill exercises «Sailor» (tongue twister)
IV. Asking the home task text“Shopping” (with a method of Jig so) new words (they`ll find the correct translation)

V. Revision grammar materials. Ex3 - 5 p. 26 - 27
VI. Explaining the new grammar material. The Present Continuous Tense. (Naq Osy Shaq )
VII. Doing exercises (in orally and written form) Ex. 1 - 5
VIII. Making up the diagram (Meals)
IX. Studying the new words. (with the help of pictures)
X. Explaining the new text `` Travelling ``
XI. Conclusion with the internet
XII. Making up the sentences in the Present Continuous Tense
XIII. Giving marks
XIV. Giving home task
(to retell the text and answer the questions, make up an essay)
XV. The end of the lesson
The procedure of the lesson
I. The organization moment
Teacher: How are you children?
Students: We are well and you?
T: I am so fine, thank you.
I see you are all present

II. Speech drill exercises
T: Now children let`s begin our lesson. First of all let`s answer my questions please.
T: What is date today?
S: Today is the 24th of December
T: And what was the date yesterday?
S: Yesterday was the 23rd of December
T: Good thank you. And next question what date will be tomorrow?
S: Tomorrow will be the 25th of December
T: Thats ok. and what day of the week today?
S: Today is Thursday.
T: Thank you, very good. Now children, let`s answer my questions, please.
What season is it now? And say about today`s weather
S: Its winter now. And it`s cold and cloudy.
T: Thats right, thank you.

III. Phonetic drill exercises
Now, children let`s take a tongue twister about sailor.
A sailor went to sea (Vyshel matros v more)
To see what he could see, (Posmotret, chto on smojet ývıdet)
And all he could see (I vse, chto on smog ývıdet,)
Was sea, sea, sea. (Bylo more, more, more

IV. Asking their homework
T: Now, children let`s talk about our home task.
S: Our home task was the text ``Shopping `` for good reading with the methods of Jig so.
T: Good, please let`s read and answer the questions (students are reading and answering the teacher`s questions)
V. Exercise. 3 Revision grammar materials.

Complete with the subject personal pronoun. (In written form).
1. My name is Sue. (Sue) _________ am English.
And this is my family.
2. My mum´s name is Angie. (Angie) _________ is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) _________ is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) _________ is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) _________ are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) _________ is two years old.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) _________ live in Canterbury.
8. (Canterbury) _________ is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _________
often come and see us.
10. What can _________ tell me about your family?
Exercise. 4 Choose the right possessive pronouns. (orally)
1. Is this ( your /yours) book?
2. It`s (their / theirs) door, not (our / ours).
3. They`re new pupils and I don`t know (their / theirs) names.
4. ( My / Mine ) flat is bigger than (her / hers), but (her / hers) is nicer.
5. That`s not ( my / mine) book. ( My / Mine) is new.
6. They took (our /ours) books and we took (their / theirs).
7. Are these pencils (her / hers).
8. Is This (your / yours) house or (their / theirs)?

Exercise. 5 Choose the right pronouns in the objective case. (orally)
1. The teacher always gives the pupils homework:
a) me b) them c) you
2. I read the book to my little sister.
a) her b) us c) him
3. The boys are riding their bikes.
a) it b) them c) her
4. My father is writing a letter to John.
a) him b) her c) me
5. I dont know the answer.
a) she b) her c) it
6. Open the window, please.
a) it b) them c) us
7. Sally is going to Anne.
a) her b) him c) me
8. Can you tell the people the way to the cinema, please?
a) you b) us c) them
9. The books are for Peter.
a) her b) him c) you
10. Can you help my sister and me?
a) her b) me c) us

VI. Explaining the new grammar
Naq Osy Shaq to be kómekshi etistiginiń jiktelgen formasy men negizgi etistiktiń IV – formasy arqyly jasalady.
İs árekettiń qazirgi ýaqytta oryndalyp jatqandyǵyn bildiredi. Etistiktiń İV - formasynda etistiktiń túbirine – ing jurnaǵy jalǵanady.

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