Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 3 kún buryn)
Saǵat neshe?
Aǵylshyn tili páni muǵalimi Esmýkanova Alıa Salımovna

3 synyp
Taqyryby: Caǵat neshe?
Maqsaty: Sabaq taqyryby negizinde sóıleý biligi men oqý daǵdysyn jetildirý
1. İ - e dybystary birge qoldanǵanda daýysty dybystardyń oqylý erejesimen tanystyrý
2. «What’s the time?» suraǵymen jáne oǵan beriletin “It’s __ o’clock” jaýap túrimen tanystyrý.
3. Tanysý: “Times of the day”
4. Jalpy suraqtar qoıyp, olarǵa jaýap berý biligin qalyptastyrý.
5. «My day» ánin jattaý.

Jańa sózder: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, What’s the time? What time is it? It’s ___o’clock.
Qaıtalaý: numbers 1 - 12, verbs: get up, brush teeth, wash face, play football, go to school, play chess, read stories, go to bed, listen to music, do homework.
Kórnekiligi: Pupil's Book, WB, CD - s, cards

Sabaq barysy:
1. Uıymdastyrý moment.
- Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you?
- Good afternoon teacher! We are fine, thank you. And you?
- I’m Ok. Sit down please!
- Búgin sabaqta biz i daýysty dybysynan turatyn sózderdi meńgerýdi jalǵastyramyz, a jáne e áripteriniń oqylýyn qaıtalaımyz, Saǵat qansha? Suraǵyn qoıyp, oǵan jaýap berip úırenemiz, sondaı - aq án jattaımyz.

2. Fonetıkalyq jattyǵý:
T: Sózderdi oqıtyn erejesin eske túsirip sózderdi oqyp shyǵyndar:

Cat – nose – bone – gate – dog – case – mum – home – banana – plane – bus – tape – school – kite – pen – nine.
I [ai] – bike, smile, line.

3. Tyńdaý.
- Open your books at page 12.
Ex. 1, p. 16 CD 11 Listen, point and repeat.
(hormen jáne jeke - jeke oqıdy)
o - e [áu]
rope - home
stone - rose
nose - stove
bone - mole
Ex. 2, p. 12 Listen and tick.
Rope nose
Stone bone

4. Jazý
Ex. 3, p. 12 Write the words into your exercise - books.

5. Tyńdaý jáne qaıtalaý.
Ex. 4. p. 13 (CD 8) Listen and repeat.

Rollerblade [rolábleid]
fairy tales [feiri - teilz]
have dinner [hӕv diná]
go to bed [gáu tá bed]

Sózderdi sózdikke jazyp kóshiremiz.

6. Oqý
Eh., 5, r. 13. Oqýshylar mátindi tyńdap, oqýdy tapsyrasyńdar.
4 - jattyǵýdaǵy sózder bar sóılemderdi mátinnen taýyp oqyp shyǵyndar.
1. Let's go rollerblading on Saturday morning.
2. I read fairy tales to Lory. / She likes fairy tales very much.
3. I have dinner.
4. Do you go to bed late.
T: Answer the Ted’s question: What does Bobby do on Friday.
Pl: He comes home. He has dinner. He helps his mother. He goes swimming. He reads fairy tales to Lory.
T: What do you do on Friday?

7. Tyńdaý jáne belgileý.
Ex. 6, p. 14 Listen and tick.
- What does ted do on Sunday?
Pl: 1 play chess 2 ride a bicycle 3 go to the zoo 4 play football 5 go shopping

8. Sóıleý
Ex. 7, p. 15.
Do you____________ on ___________?
I _______________________________.
I don’t___________________________.

9. Úı tapsyrmasy: WB, lesson 3, to learn the words by heart.

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