Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 apta buryn)
Qazaqstan, AQSH, Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal adamdary
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Qazaqstan, AQSH, Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal adamdary
Sabaqtyń túri: aralas sabaq
Sabaqtyń tıpi: Jańa bilimdi meńgertý.
Sabaq ádisi: Suraq - jaýap, áńgime.
Sabaqtyń maqsaty:
Bilimdilik: Oqýshylardy Qazaqstan, AQSH, Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal adamdarymen tanystyrý jáne bilimderin keńeıtý.
Damytýshylyq: Oqýshylardyń sóıleý, tyńdap - túsiný, oılaý, shyǵarmashylyq qabiletterin damytý.
Tárbıeleýshilik: Oqýshylardyń boıynda óz eliniń tanymal tulǵalary men tarıhyna degen maqtanysh sezimin týdyrý, ózge elderdiń talantty tulǵalaryna qurmetpen qaraýǵa tárbıeleý.
Pán aralyq baılanystar:
- qamtamasyz etetin: geografıa (§6, 27 - 31,§35, 149 - 153)
- qamtamasyz etiletin: shetel tili.
Kórnekilik quraldar: mýltımedıalyq qural, áıgili aqyn - jazýshylarǵa, ǵalymdarǵa shyǵarylǵan býkletter, taqyryptyq qabyrǵa gazeti «Outstanding people», sózjumbaq «Outstanding people».

Paıdalanylǵan ádebıetter
1.«Aǵylshyn tili praktıkýmy» B. Baımuqanova, J. Batyqova
Sabaqtyń barysy:
I. Uıymdastyrýshylyq kezeń (1 mın.)
II. Fonetıkamen jumys (3 mın.)
III. Úı tapsyrmasyn suraý (7 mın.)
IV. Jańa sabaqty túsindirý (20 mın.)
V. Jańa taqyrypty bekitý. (11 - mın.)
VI. Úıge tapsyrma (1 mın.)
VII. Sabaqty qorytyndylaý (2 mın.)

Sabaqtyń mazmuny:
I. Uıymdastyrý kezeńi. Organization moment
- Good morning boys! I am glad to see you! (- Sálemetsizder me oqýshylar! Sizderdi kórgenime qýanyshtymyn!)
Lets begin our lesson.
- Who is on duty today? (- Kim kezekshi?)
- What date is it today? (- Búgin neshesi?)
- What day is it today? (- Búgin qaı kún?)
- Who is absent? (- Sabaqta kim joq?)

II. Fonetıkalyq jattyǵý. Phonetic drill (slaıd №1 tongue - twister)
- Look at the blackboard please. There is a tongue - twister on sound. Listen to it please. And everyone should read it. (jańyltpash aıtý arqyly tildi jattyqtyrý)
- This is tongue twister help you to improve your pronunciation.

Betty Bottle bought a bit of butter.
But she bought a bit of bitter butter.
Then she bought better butter.
But where’s the bit of bitter butter Betty Bottle bought?

III. Úı tapsyrmasyn suraý. Checking up the home task
- What was your home task? (- Úı tapsyrmasyna ne berildi?)
- To revision of the Kazakhstan, USA and Great Britain (Qazaqstan, Anglıa, Aqsh memleketterin qaıtalaý).
- Today we` ll check our homework in oral form.. And now look at the blackboard, please. There is a crossword on it. If you do it right and you will read the topic of our lesson. If you are ready lets try to answer my questions.

(Suraq qoıý arqyly úı tapsyrasyn surap, sózjumbaq sheshý arqyly jańa sabaqtyń taqyrybyn ashý).
Questions: (slaıd №2 krosvord suraqtary)
1. What is the capital of England? (London)
2. Who is the head of the UK? (Queen)
3. How many stars are there in the American flag? (50 stars)
4. What is the national emblem of Great Britain? (rose)
5. What kind of famous building in Astana? (Baiterek)
6. What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)
7. What is the official language in Britain and in the USA? (English)
8. What is the national emblem of Wales? (Daffodil)
9. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington D. C)
10. How is the flag of the UK called? (Union Jack)
11. What kind of famous building in Great Britain? (Big Ben)

IV. Jańa sabaqty túsindirý. Explaining new material.
- Work with vocabulary (slaıd №3 jańa sózder)
- Dear students, today we are going to speak about famous people of the
world. That’s why the first we should introduce new words on the theme. All of you look at the blackboard, listen to me, then you` ll repeat after me. Now may write it in your copybook. (jańa sózdermen tanystyryp, olarmen jumys jasaý).

1 outstanding people – tanymal adamdar
2 singer – ánshi
3 national artist – halyq ártisi
4 songwriter – óleń jazýshysy
5 writer - jazýshy
6 poet - aqyn
7 scientist - ǵalym
8 physicst - fızık

- Work with the text “Outstanding people of Kazakhstan, USA and Great Britain (slaıd №4 tanymal adamdar)
(Mátinmen jumys jasaý, oqýshylarǵa tizbekteı oqytý)

Every country had outstanding people whose played a very important role in the history. Kazakhstan has many great singers, writers and actors.
One of them is Kazakhstan great prominent Kazakh writer Mukhtar Omarkhanuli Auezov (September 28, 1897 — June 27, 1961). Known best for his work as a playwright. Auezov was born into a nomadic family from what is today Abay District, in East Kazakhstan Province. His grandfather taught him to read and write. Auezov was then educated at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary and Leningrad State University.
Works Abay, The Path of Abay, The Hour of Trial, The Guard of Honor
William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. He wrote 154 sonnets. He educated at the local grammar school, where he studied Latin authors and dramatists, logic. Then he went to London. He wrote many plays. His famous works are "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet".
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. George Washington, “the father of his country”.
He was an example of bravery and approved the fight against slavery.
General Henry Li wrote: “Washington was first in war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen.
The capital of the country, a state, a lake, an island, a mount, a canyon, some
universities and colleges, streets and squares are named after him.
He died on December 14, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia.

V. Jańa taqyrypty bekitý. Fixion of the lesson.
If you understand new material of our lesson lets try to fix our lesson.
(mátintinniń astyndaǵy berilgen tapsyrmalardy oryndaý arqyly jańa materıaldy bekitý).
Task 2: This task according to the text. You should close the text. If you remember you have to put the text together. Number these lines in the correct order. Let’s try it.(slaıd №5 ) (mátindegi sóılemderdi ret - retimen durys qoıý).
(3) One of them is Kazakhstan great prominent Kazakh writer
Mukhtar Omarkhanuli Auezov (September 28, 1897 — June 27, 1961)

(6) Auezov was then educated at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's
Seminary and Leningrad State University.

(1) Every country had outstanding people whose played a
very important role in the history.

(2) Kazakhstan has many great singers, writers and actors.

(7) Works Abay, The Path of Abay, The Hour of Trial, The Guard of Honor
(9) He wrote 154 sonnets.
(10) He educated at the local grammar school, where he studied Latin authors and dramatists, logic.
(4) Known best for his work as a playwright. Auezov was born into a nomadic family from what is today Abay District, in East Kazakhstan Province.
(8) William Shakespeare was born in April 1564.
(5) His grandfather taught him to read and write
Task3: Say «True» or «False» (Ras – Jalǵan ekenin tabý).
1. William Shakespare was wrote 154 sonnets. (T)
2. Auezov was the first president of the United States.( F)
3. Shakespeares famous works are Abay, The Path of Abay, The Hour of Trial, The Guard of Honor. (F)
4. The American flag is often called « The Stars and Stripes». (T)
5. William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. (T)

6. George Washington was a singer.(F)
7. George Washington was born on May 22 (F)

VI. Úıge tapsyrma. Home task
- Your hometask is: 1. to learn by heart new words. (Jańa leksıkany jattaý).
2. To write about your like famous person (singer, actor or others). (Ózderiń unatqan ataqty adamdardyń ómirbaıanyn jazyp kelý. (ánshi, akter t. b.)).

VII. Sabaqty qorytyndylaý. Conclusion
Marking. (baǵalaý)
To make a conclusion
- The lesson is over. Good bye!

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