- 05 naý. 2024 02:10
- 243
Save the nature. (Tabıǵatty qorǵaý)
Unit 5. Save the nature. (Tabıǵatty qorǵaý)
1. taqyryptyq sózdermen jumys jasaý;
2. oqýshylardyń taqyryp boıynsha sóıleý qabiletin arttyrý;
3. tabıǵatty qalaı qorǵaýǵa tárbıeleý.
Mat: flp, video, the posters, the grammar cads, the pictures of nature, the map of KZ.
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Org. mom. T > S1 > S2 greetings, date, attendance.
II. Checking up the home task. 1st and 2nd Conditional.
Ex. 3. Choose the correct tenses. (Present or will) page 134.
a - get …, will phone. b - will need …, goes. c – will be …, passes.
d – want …, will have. e – will be …, does not come.
III. Presentation.
Ex 1. Look at this diagram. T > What do you think of it
Presentation of new vocabulary.
Ex 2 match the new words to right translation. S1 > S2 …
petrol station [‘petrál steiʃán] – janar maı beketi,
factories [‘fӕktriz]- fabrıkalar
road [‘roud]- jol
pollute [pá’lu: t]- lastaý
pollution [pá’lu: ʃn]- lastaný
fur [fá:]- ań terisi
skin [skin]- teri
destroy [di’strɔi] – qıratý
soil [sɔil] - topyraq.
Ex 3 look at the picture and answer the questions. S1 > S2 …
The government should create [kri'eit] posters['páustáz] to inform people about the danger to the environment.
A lot of animals depend on human help for survival [sá'vaiv(á) l] in the world.
If we don't take better care about the world around us,
we'll regret [ri'gret] it.
V. Practice.
Ex 7 Look at the map. Find the town of Atyrau and the Caspian Sea
Write them on the map.
What can you say about the ecological problems of Atyrau?
Different foreign oil companies and our national oil companies work in Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit [‘prɔfit]-(paıda) but wide using resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil. National resources are widely used for purposes of home industry. As a result of the wide using of National resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil.
Something couldn’t compensate [‘kɔmpen, seit] the damage on the natural environment.
T >>> Please, divide into 3 groups and discuss ecological problems in Atyrau.
Mańǵystaý oblysy,
Jańaózen qalasy ákimdiginiń №21 orta mektep
komýnaldyq memlekettik mekemesiniń aǵylshyn tili pán muǵalimi
Daýenova Janylhan Djaýmbaevna
1. taqyryptyq sózdermen jumys jasaý;
2. oqýshylardyń taqyryp boıynsha sóıleý qabiletin arttyrý;
3. tabıǵatty qalaı qorǵaýǵa tárbıeleý.
Mat: flp, video, the posters, the grammar cads, the pictures of nature, the map of KZ.
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Org. mom. T > S1 > S2 greetings, date, attendance.
II. Checking up the home task. 1st and 2nd Conditional.
Ex. 3. Choose the correct tenses. (Present or will) page 134.
a - get …, will phone. b - will need …, goes. c – will be …, passes.
d – want …, will have. e – will be …, does not come.
III. Presentation.
Ex 1. Look at this diagram. T > What do you think of it
Presentation of new vocabulary.
Ex 2 match the new words to right translation. S1 > S2 …
petrol station [‘petrál steiʃán] – janar maı beketi,
factories [‘fӕktriz]- fabrıkalar
road [‘roud]- jol
pollute [pá’lu: t]- lastaý
pollution [pá’lu: ʃn]- lastaný
fur [fá:]- ań terisi
skin [skin]- teri
destroy [di’strɔi] – qıratý
soil [sɔil] - topyraq.
Ex 3 look at the picture and answer the questions. S1 > S2 …
The government should create [kri'eit] posters['páustáz] to inform people about the danger to the environment.
A lot of animals depend on human help for survival [sá'vaiv(á) l] in the world.
If we don't take better care about the world around us,
we'll regret [ri'gret] it.
V. Practice.
Ex 7 Look at the map. Find the town of Atyrau and the Caspian Sea
Write them on the map.
What can you say about the ecological problems of Atyrau?
Different foreign oil companies and our national oil companies work in Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit [‘prɔfit]-(paıda) but wide using resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil. National resources are widely used for purposes of home industry. As a result of the wide using of National resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil.
Something couldn’t compensate [‘kɔmpen, seit] the damage on the natural environment.
T >>> Please, divide into 3 groups and discuss ecological problems in Atyrau.
Mańǵystaý oblysy,
Jańaózen qalasy ákimdiginiń №21 orta mektep
komýnaldyq memlekettik mekemesiniń aǵylshyn tili pán muǵalimi
Daýenova Janylhan Djaýmbaevna
Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.