Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal ǵalymdary
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Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal ǵalymdary
Sabaqtyń maqsaty: Oqýshylardyń Ulybrıtanıa týraly bilimderin keńeıtý. Ulybrıtanıanyń ǵalymdary týraly jańa mátinmen jumys isteý. Tilin oqyp jatqan memleketti qurmetteýge tárbıeleý. Este saqtaý qabiletin damytý.
Sabaq ádisi: Suraq - jaýap
Sabaq tıpi: Jańa bilimdi meńgertý
Kórnekiligi: Ǵalymdardyń sýretteri, ınterbelsendi taqta, noýtbýkter.
Pán aralyq baılanys: qazaq tili
Sabaq barysy:
I. Uıymdastyrý
A) amandasý Good morning, children!
What date is today?
What day of the week today?
What is the weather like today?
B) joqtardy belgileý Who is absent today?
Úı jumysyn tekserý. Your hometask was to tell us about the Kazakhstan’s scientists. We read about many outstanding people of Kazakhstan not only in English lesson, but also in History, Literature, Physics, Chemistry.
Answer my questions.
1. What famous people of Kazakhstan do you know?
2. Name me, please, famous Kazakh poets and writers.
3. Name me, please, famous Kazakh musicians.
4. Name me, please, famous Kazakh painters.
5. Name me, please, first Kazakh astronauts.
6. Name me, please, famous Kazakh khans and judges.
Who can tell us about the scientists of Kazakhstan?
II. Sabaqtyń taqyrybymen, maqsattarymen tanystyrý.
The new theme of our lesson is “Famous Scientists of Great Britain ”.
The main aim of our lesson is to learn more about scientists of Great Britain, to learn what are they famous for. To develop children’s hearing, logical thinking abilities.
III. Jańa sabaq
Jańa leksıka:
Ex. 1 Write new lexica in your notebooks.
the law of motion - qozǵalys zańy
the law of gravitation - gravıtasıa zańy
a new theory of evolution - jańa evolúsıa teorıasy
laws of electricity and magnetism - elektr jaryǵy zańdary jáne magnetızm
founder of the atomic theory of physics - fızıkanyń molekýlárlyq teorıasynyń negizin qalaýshy
creator of the first atomic model - eń birinshi atom modelin oılap tabýshy
contribution - úles
a new theory of evolution - jańa evolúsıa teorıasy
to develop - damý
simple organism - qarapaıym organızm
strange force – erekshe kúsh
electric current - elektr qýaty
cowbell – qońyraý
wire – sym
investigations - zertteý jumysy
decay – elementterdiń bólinýi raspad
surgeon – hırýrg
mankind - adamzat
the deaf - sańyraý
invent - oılap tabý
We’ll read the new texts about scientists and find new words.
Oqýshylarǵa kartochkamen ǵalymdar týraly mátinder beriledi. Oqýshylar noýtbýkterinen tyńdaýǵa arnalǵan mátindi ashyp, tyńdap otyryp, oqıdy.
ex. 1. Listen to the text and read the text.
Famous People of Great Britain
There are many outstanding people in Great Britain. Britain produced statesmen, thinkers, explorers, musicians, writers, scientists and other people who are well known around the world.
Isaac Newton was one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was born in 1642, in Woolsthorpe, England. He studied maths at Cambridge University. Newton's contribution to physics, astronomy and maths is so great that, he may be considered the founder of the modern mathematics and physics. He discovered the law of motion and the universal law of gravitation. He studied the nature of light and colour and came to the conclusion that white colour consists of many different colours known as spectrum. He died when he was 84 and was buried at Westminster Abbey.
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. He was a great biologist. He created a new theory of evolution. Once there were only simple organisms living in the seas. Hundreds millions of years they have developed to produce all the different kind animals and plants we knew today.
Michael Faraday was born in a small village near London on September 11, 1791. He was interested in electricity very much and spent long months studying this strange force. He discovered that electricity passed from the magnet to the wires and cowbell become a strong electric current. So he opened many laws of electricity and magnetism.
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Ulybrıtanıanyń tanymal ǵalymdary
Sabaqtyń maqsaty: Oqýshylardyń Ulybrıtanıa týraly bilimderin keńeıtý. Ulybrıtanıanyń ǵalymdary týraly jańa mátinmen jumys isteý. Tilin oqyp jatqan memleketti qurmetteýge tárbıeleý. Este saqtaý qabiletin damytý.
Sabaq ádisi: Suraq - jaýap
Sabaq tıpi: Jańa bilimdi meńgertý
Kórnekiligi: Ǵalymdardyń sýretteri, ınterbelsendi taqta, noýtbýkter.
Pán aralyq baılanys: qazaq tili
Sabaq barysy:
I. Uıymdastyrý
A) amandasý Good morning, children!
What date is today?
What day of the week today?
What is the weather like today?
B) joqtardy belgileý Who is absent today?
Úı jumysyn tekserý. Your hometask was to tell us about the Kazakhstan’s scientists. We read about many outstanding people of Kazakhstan not only in English lesson, but also in History, Literature, Physics, Chemistry.
Answer my questions.
1. What famous people of Kazakhstan do you know?
2. Name me, please, famous Kazakh poets and writers.
3. Name me, please, famous Kazakh musicians.
4. Name me, please, famous Kazakh painters.
5. Name me, please, first Kazakh astronauts.
6. Name me, please, famous Kazakh khans and judges.
Who can tell us about the scientists of Kazakhstan?
II. Sabaqtyń taqyrybymen, maqsattarymen tanystyrý.
The new theme of our lesson is “Famous Scientists of Great Britain ”.
The main aim of our lesson is to learn more about scientists of Great Britain, to learn what are they famous for. To develop children’s hearing, logical thinking abilities.
III. Jańa sabaq
Jańa leksıka:
Ex. 1 Write new lexica in your notebooks.
the law of motion - qozǵalys zańy
the law of gravitation - gravıtasıa zańy
a new theory of evolution - jańa evolúsıa teorıasy
laws of electricity and magnetism - elektr jaryǵy zańdary jáne magnetızm
founder of the atomic theory of physics - fızıkanyń molekýlárlyq teorıasynyń negizin qalaýshy
creator of the first atomic model - eń birinshi atom modelin oılap tabýshy
contribution - úles
a new theory of evolution - jańa evolúsıa teorıasy
to develop - damý
simple organism - qarapaıym organızm
strange force – erekshe kúsh
electric current - elektr qýaty
cowbell – qońyraý
wire – sym
investigations - zertteý jumysy
decay – elementterdiń bólinýi raspad
surgeon – hırýrg
mankind - adamzat
the deaf - sańyraý
invent - oılap tabý
We’ll read the new texts about scientists and find new words.
Oqýshylarǵa kartochkamen ǵalymdar týraly mátinder beriledi. Oqýshylar noýtbýkterinen tyńdaýǵa arnalǵan mátindi ashyp, tyńdap otyryp, oqıdy.
ex. 1. Listen to the text and read the text.
Famous People of Great Britain
There are many outstanding people in Great Britain. Britain produced statesmen, thinkers, explorers, musicians, writers, scientists and other people who are well known around the world.
Isaac Newton was one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was born in 1642, in Woolsthorpe, England. He studied maths at Cambridge University. Newton's contribution to physics, astronomy and maths is so great that, he may be considered the founder of the modern mathematics and physics. He discovered the law of motion and the universal law of gravitation. He studied the nature of light and colour and came to the conclusion that white colour consists of many different colours known as spectrum. He died when he was 84 and was buried at Westminster Abbey.
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. He was a great biologist. He created a new theory of evolution. Once there were only simple organisms living in the seas. Hundreds millions of years they have developed to produce all the different kind animals and plants we knew today.
Michael Faraday was born in a small village near London on September 11, 1791. He was interested in electricity very much and spent long months studying this strange force. He discovered that electricity passed from the magnet to the wires and cowbell become a strong electric current. So he opened many laws of electricity and magnetism.
Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.
Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.