Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 7 saǵat buryn)
Aǵylshyn tilin oqytýdyń ońaı joldary
Aǵylshyn tilin oqytýdyń ońaı joldary

Balalar aǵylshyn tilin oqýdy asyǵa kútedi. Jańa pán olarǵa qupıaly qyzyqqa toly bolǵandyqtan, olar alda ne kútip turǵanyn bilmeı, tek pánniń bastalýyn taǵatsyzdana tosady. Muǵalim osyny eskere otyryp, oqýshylardyń qyzyǵýshylyǵyn sóndirip almas úshin túrli jumystar júrgizip, shet tilin meńgertýde túrli ádisterdi ár aǵylshyn sabaǵynda qoldanýy tıis dep oılaımyn.
5-synypta áripter men dybystardy úıretýde fonetıkalyq jattyǵý-óleń shýmaqtaryn qurastyrýǵa bolady. Bul oraıda sabaqtyń jańa sózderi men gramatıkalyq qurylymdy paıdalanýǵa bolady.

E.g.--------I have got a dog,
I have got a cat,
I have got a shell,
I have got a small red ball
I'm glad
I have got them all.
I 've got a dog,
You've got a cat.
We 've got a frog,
They've got a bat.

Sonymen qatar to be jáne to have etistikteriniń qoldanylýyn «Lets boast!» - «Maqtanaıyq!» oıyny arqyly pysyqtaýǵa bolady.
E.g. İ varıant: P1: I have a dog. P2: You have a dog and I have a dog and a cat. P3: He has a dog and a cat, but I have a dog, a cat and a hen.
İİ varıant: P1: My mother is a very good doctor. She is 40. Her name is Damegul. I love her.
P2: Your mother is a good doctor. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher of English. She is a very good and a kind teacher. She has many pupils. Her name is Alma. She is 35.

Aǵylshyn tilin úırenýdiń alǵashqy kezeńderinde taqpaqtar, óleńder men ánderdi mánerlep oqytý, jattatý - balalardyń sózdik qoryn keńeıtip, sózderdiń oqylýyn este saqtaýǵa kóp septigin tıgizedi. Present Simple tense shaǵynyń İİİ jaq jekeshe túriniń jasalýy men apta kúnderin qaıtalaýda «Mrs.Grundy» óleńin oqytyp, jattatýǵa bolady.

Mrs. Grundy washes on Monday,
Irons on Tuesday,
Shops on Wednesday,
Bakes on Thirsday,
Sews on Friday,
Cleans on Saturday,
Cooks on Sunday,
This is the tale of mrs.Grundy.
Óleńniń ishinen İİİ jaq jekeshe túrdegi etistikti taýyp, jalǵaýyn belgilep, aýdarmasyn berýdi tapsyrýǵa bolady: irons – útikteıdi, shops – dúken aralaıdy.

7-synypta oılaý qabiletin damytý maqsatynda oqýshylar jańa sabaqtyń leksıkasy – janýarlar ataýlary men gramatıkasy - Present Perfect shaǵyn qatystyra otyryp, óleń shýmaqtaryn qurasa, osy sabaqty jaqsy túsingenin kórsetedi.

Omar has seen a wolf,
Serik has seen a fox.
Ainur has seen a rabbit,
They all have been in a box.
Rettik san esimderdiń jasalýyn jáne oqylýyn este saqtaý úshin óleńdi jattatýǵa bolady.
E.g.-------------Five little birds,
Seat in a tree,
The first one said,
What do you see?
The second one said,
A man with a gun,
The third one said,
We'd better run.
The fourth one said,
Lets hide in the shade,
The fifth one said,
I'm not afraid.

Berilgen sóılemdi nemese mátindi logıkalyq túrde lezde jalǵastyrý daǵdysyn qalyptastyrý úshin túrli ádister qoldanýǵa bolady.
Mysaly, Present Indefinite tense (jaı osy shaqtyń) jasalýyn pysyqtaý úshin Present Continuous tense (sozylmaly osy shaq) qurylymymen baılanystyrýǵa bolady.
T: Each of you will tell us what he or she is doing now, then you will explain when you usually do it.
E.g. The pupils are not cleaning the classroom now. They usually do it after lesson.
Bul jumys ádette «Oqýshy kúni» taqyryby aıasynda órbıdi.

«The day of a pupil»
P1: I' not making my bed now.
I make my bed in the morning.
P2: I'm not having breakfast now.
I have breakfast in the morning.
P3: I'm not having dinner now.
I have dinner after school at 2 o'clock.
«Oqýshynyń bir kúni» taqyryby aıasynda sóılemdi jalǵastyrý jumysy jaqsy aıaqtalǵannan keıin sóıleý qabileti men oı órisin odan ári damytý maqsatynda mátindi jalǵastyrý jumysyn berýge bolady. (ár túrli shaqtarda berýge bolady).
Taqtaǵa balanyń sýreti ilinedi.

- Listen to the beginning of the story and speak about Ospan's day. (Only his morning time).
T: It is morning. Ospan opens his eyes. He doesn't want to get up, but his little cat comes up to him and touches his hand. The mother comes into the room. She says: «Ospan, its time to get up, its 7 o'clock.»
Oqýshylar mátindi túrli nusqada aıaqtaı alady.

Dıalogpen jumys jasaǵanda balanyń oı órisi, shapshań jaýap qaıtarý daǵdysy, berilgen sıtýasıaǵa emosıasyn bildirýin kórýge bolady.

T: The weather is fine today
P1: Yes, its warm today!
P2: Oh, the sun shines brightly!

Nemese berilgen sóılemge qarsy maǵynaly sóılemmen jaýap berýge bolady. (emosıasyn bildire alady)
T: Lets have a class-meeting on Wednesday, children
P1: Oh, its not good day for the class-meeting. We have many lessons on Thursday.
P2: I can't come. My mother is ill.

5-6 synyptarda aýyzeki sóıleý daǵdysyn qalyptastyrýda ómirden alynǵan jaǵdaıat-mátin beriledi. Bul mátin qate nusqada. Oqýshylar qatesin durystaıdy, sodan soń jazyp alady.
Mátin synyptaǵy bir oqýshy týraly bolýy múmkin…

I have a friend. His name is Bakhtiar. He is 7. He is in the 6th form. He gets up at 5 o'clock every morning. He washes his face, hands and legs in the sitting-room. Bakhtiar goes to the park. He has 5 or 6 lessons there.
Adamdardy jáne janýarlardy sıpattaıtyn syn esimderdi balalar tilde erkin qoldanýy úshin múltfılmder keıipkerleri sıpattalǵan qysqa mátinderdi oqytyp, sýretten kórsete otyryp, qazaq tiline aýdaryp, túsinik aıtý tapsyrmasyn berýge bolady.

1) Gena is not a boy. It is a crocodile. He is big, long, dark green and funny. Gena is a very clever crocodile. It can sing. Gena has a friend, Cheburashka by name. Cheburashka is funny too. Cheburashka is very kind. Gena and Cheburashka are good friends.
2) Micky is a funny little grey mouse. It has small black eyes, big ears and very long tail. Micky is a very clever mouse. It is not afraid of cats and dogs.

11-synypta qalaý raı (wish) qurylymyn meńgertý úshin hat jazý jumysyn júrgizemiz. Iaǵnı bul hatta bireýiniń kıip júrgen kıimin ekinshi bireý qalaıtyny jaıly aıtylady.
E.g.-----------Dear Phariza! ------------Dear Bolat!
I like a blouse on you.------------------Your cloth style is modern!
It sits on you perfectly.----------------Especially, your jeans.
I wish I had the same one.------------I wish I bought the same jeans!

Aǵylshyn tilin oqytýda túrli ádisterdi qoldaný – oqýshylardyń shyǵarmashylyq qabiletin damytyp, aǵylshyn tilin jete meńgerýge, shet tilinde erkin sóıleýge kóp septigin tıgizedi dep oılaımyn.

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