Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 4 kún buryn)
Bilim klýby. Knowledge club
Shet tili 7 synyp
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Knowledge club
Sabaqtyń maqsaty: 1. Aýyz eki tilde erkin sóıleýge tóseldirý. Sózdik qoryn molaıtý.
2. Oqýshylardyń oılaý qabiletin damytý
3. Oqýshylardyń pánge degen qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyrý
Damytýshylyq: Oqýshylardyń jeke oı - daǵdylaryn damytyp, sana - órisin jetildirý;
Tárbıelik: Oqýshylardy adamgershilikke, uıymshyldyqqa, óz eline úlgili de ónegeli jas azamat(sha) bolýyna tárbıeleý.
1. Oqýshylardyń topta jumys isteý arqyly jeke tulǵalyq qasıetterin damyta otyra, uıymshyldyqqa baýlý
Sabaqtyń kórnekiligi: slaıd, úlestirmeli tapsyrmalar
Sabaqtyń túri: Jarys sabaq

Good afternoon, smiling faces! How are you? Felling friendly? You are welcome! We shall have a wonderful time together. You` ll be happy.
Warming up activities: A 5 - Minute - Activity Work in pairs and write your answers in the boxes!

2 Paraqpen jumys
Pupils, today we have an unusual lesson. You` ll compete with each other in our competition where will be 2 teams.
The first team is “The Future”
And the second team is “Friendship”
Let` s begin our competition.
Now we` ll begin first round.
1) The first round of our competition is Introduction.
Komanda kapıtandary ózderin tanystyrady.
Let me introduce myself. My name is _______. I’m _______ years old. I’m at 7 - th grade. I’m tall, dark - haired boy with black eyes.
I live in Ashisay. I have a________ and a ________.
I have many friends. We spend a lot of time together. We play football, volleyball, basketball. In summer we like swimming in river and lakes.
Besides school, I go in for sports. I play tennis. It’s exciting game, and I like it very much.
I’m fond of travelling so I’d like to work for a tour company. I dream to visit all countries throughout the world and to see all sightseeing’s and great places. I hope my dreams will come true!
My name is ________. My surname is ________. I’m ____ years old. I live in Ashisay.. I have brown eyes and short brown hair. My cheeks are pink. I’m fit because I’m going in for sports. I play tennis and I also swim in a swimming - pool. I like walking too.
I have many friends, because I have a good character. I like music and books. I have a computer at home and sometimes I play computer games. I use my computer while doing my homework too.
2 The second round of our competition is spelling: you must write and translate the words.
Eki topqa bólinip ótilgen sabaqta oqýshylarǵa on sózden beriledi. Sol sózderdiń muǵalim sýretin kórsetip turady. Oqýshylar ol sózderdi aýdarady. Oqýshylarǵa flesh - karta kórsetý, olar aýdarý kerek.
Flesh - kartamen jumys.

3) The third round of our competition is Musical. You must show how you can sing.
Oqýshylar ózderiniń án aıtý ónerlerin kórsetedi

Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.

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