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1 synyp Aǵylshyn tilinen qysqa merzimdi sabaq jospar. Food and Drink Animals like…
1 synyp Aǵylshyn tilinen qysqa merzimdi sabaq jospar
LESSON 6: Unit 7 Food and Drink Animals like…
Learning objectives (s) that this lesson is contributing to
1. S5 produce words in response to basic prompts
1. L3 recognize with support the spoken form of a limited range of basic words
1. S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects
1. UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive and negative] to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
• say names of some animals intelligibly
• say names of some food items intelligibly
• produce some approval/disapproval sounds
Most learners will be able to:
• understand some factual questions about animals and their food
• respond appropriately to some yes/no questions
• use some short form answers correctly
• respond to some information questions about animals correctly
Some learners will be able to:
• produce a simple food chain and narrate to class what eats what
• use present simple forms correctly in narration without teacher’s support

Previous learning
plural ‘s’ forms, irregular plurals: sheep fish mice; personal pronoun they present simple forms: eat, like; short forms: do
8 - 10 minutes

Hello, children! How are you?
1. Play a game “Bring me a letter”
Teacher distributes English letters to pupils and name any letter, the pupil who has this letter has to place his/her letter on the letter board and name next letter. (next time pupils can name also a word p - for - pizza)
1. Teacher demonstrates what learners have to do with a model question. Teacher then reads out each question about animal food e. g. Do cats like milk? Do cows eat eggs? repeating each question twice and learners answer yes or no on their answer sheet. Teacher encourages learners to answer Yes they do/No they don’t.
Do dogs like grass? Do horses eat birds?
Do cats like milk? Do bears like bugs?
Do cows eat eggs? Do mice like cheese?
Do cows eat grass? Do monkeys eat
Do rabbits eat leaves? bananas?
Sing a song “Do you like….?”
Food and Drink Animals like. júkteý

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