Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 7 saǵat buryn)
Aǵylshyn tilinen sabaq josparlary
1. Weather and seasons (Aýa-raıy jáne jyl mezgilderi) 6 synyp
2. The Earth (Jer) 7 synyp
3. 66 days at sea (Teńizdegi 66 kún) 6 synyp

Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Weather and seasons (Aýa-raıy jáne jyl mezgilderi)
Sabaqtyń túri: Ashyq sabaq
Maqsaty: Aýa - raıy jáne jyl mezgilderi týraly sóıleýge úıretý, Sózdik qorlaryn molaıtý. Synı turǵydan oılaný arqyly tapsyrmalardy oryndaý barysynda oqýshylardyń este saqtaý, oqylym, aıtylym, jazylym daǵdylaryn qalyptastyrý.
Mindetteri: Mátindegi jańa sózderdi túsiný, sıpattama berý
Alǵan bilimderin ómirde qoldanyp, salaýatty ómir saltyn nasıhat etýge tárbıeleý. Ádil baǵalaýǵa tárbıeleý
Kútiletin nátıje: Taqyrypqa saı jańa sózderdi meńgeredi.
Alǵan bilimderin aýyzeki sóıleýde qoldana alady.
Shyǵarmashylyq qabiletteri is áreket barysynda qoldanady
Resýrstar: 6 synypqa arnalǵan aǵylshyn tili oqýlyǵy, ǵalamtor jelisi.
Aýdıo - vıdeo materıaldar, sózdik kitaptar, markerler, flomasterler

Kirispe Uıymdastyrý kezeńi. Sálemdesý.
I. Organization moment. Greeting.
- Good afternoon children. Sit down, please.
- Who is on duty today?
- What day is it today?
- What is the weather like today?
- Is it snowing?

III. Checking - up the homework
Úı jumysyn tekserý.
(Oqýshylar jazyp kelgen esselerin top bolyp bir – birleriniń tapsyrmasyna taldaý jasaıdy, mazmundap aıtady).
Jańa sabaqpen tanystyrý.
Jyl mezgilderiniń túrlerine baılanysty 2 topqa bólý
December, January, February. March, April, May – 1 top “Winter”

June, July, August. September, October, November – 2 top “Summer”
Negizgi bólim Qyzyǵýshylyǵyn oıatý.
«Mıǵa shabýyl» Suraq jaýap
What do you see in the picture? What is the weather like today? Is it cold outside? Is it hot outside? Beautiful weather, isn’t it?
«Sáıkestendirý». Taqtada berilgen sýretke saı sáıkestendirip sózderdi taýyp jazý.

Pysyqtaý Sózdikpen jumys.
Foggy[ fogi] tumandy
sold ] kould[ sýyq
Stormy[ sto: mi] naızaǵaıly
hot [ hot ] ystyq
Sloudy[ klaudi] bultty
warm [wom] jyly
Wet [ wet] ylǵal
cool [ku: l] salqyn
Frosty[ frosti]aıaz
bright [brait] jaryq
Windy [windi ]jeldi
Sunny [sani] shýaqty
Rainy[ reini] jańbyrly

Mátinmen jumys.
Group A, B: Listen and read about text “ Weather and seasons ”
‘ Seasons and weather'
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is the time of hope and happiness. Nature is awakening of life again. Trees are bursting in leaf, flowers are breaking into blossom. Spring is a busy season for gardeners who have much to do in their orchards. Rainy and warm weather in spring is good.
Summer is the hottest season of all. It is a time of holidays and vacation. People go to the seaside to lie in the sun, to swim in the sea and come back to their work and studies, healthy and full of vitality. In summer at times the heat is almost unbearable. But sometimes there are heavy thunder - storms in summer.
Autumn is the time of harvest. In September the weather is fine. October and November are rainy. The sky is most overcast with low and heavy clouds. In October the days are growing rapidly shorter and the sun rays lose their warmth. In November almost all trees have cast off their leaves and stand there bare and lonely. A short spell of warm pleasant weather in autumn is called Indian Summer.

Winter is the coldest season of all. In winter though the sun shines, its rays bring little warmth. Nights are long and days are short in winter. In winter the weather is nasty when the wind blows violently and the falling snow strikes the face. Winter is the time for skiing, skating, hockey - playing. On a fine winter day snow is falling in large flakes, covering the ground. The streets and parks are all in white. It's very nice to be in the open air. Yet nobody is sorry when winter is over.

“Jigsaw” strategıasy boıynsha oqylǵan mátinderdi top boıynsha talqylaý.

Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.

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