Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 kún buryn)
Qorshaǵan orta
Taqyryp: Environment. Qorshaǵan orta.
Bilimdik: 1. Alǵan leksıkalyq teorıa bilimderin nyǵaıtý, júıege keltirip qorytý.
Damytý: 2. Sózdik qorlaryn jáne til baılyqtaryn damytý, saýatty jazýǵa mashyqtandyrý. Pánge degen qyzyǵýshylyqtaryn jáne oılaý qabiletterin damytý.
Tárbıeleý: 3. Tabıǵatty jáne qorshaǵan ortany súıý jáne qorǵaýǵa, aıalaýǵa tárbıeleý.

Sabaqtyń túri: Dástúrli emes.
Sabaqtyń ádisi: Interaktıvtik jáne synı turǵysynan oılaý ádisi,baıandaý, toptyq jáne jeke jumys.
Pánaralyq baılanys: Qazaq tili jáne geografıa, bıologıa.
Oqý quraldary: Tabıǵattyń ásem jáne kórkem jerler týraly slaıdtar, óleń, sqemalar, tablısalar, krosvord.
Tehnıkalyq quraldary: Interaktıvti taqta.
Taqyryp: Environment. Qorshaǵan orta.

Bilimdik: 1. Alǵan leksıkalyq teorıa bilimderin nyǵaıtý, júıege keltirip qorytý.
Damytý: 2. Sózdik qorlaryn jáne til baılyqtaryn damytý, saýatty jazýǵa mashyqtandyrý. Pánge degen qyzyǵýshylyqtaryn jáne oılaý qabiletterin damytý.
Tárbıeleý: 3. Tabıǵatty jáne qorshaǵan ortany súıý jáne qorǵaýǵa, aıalaýǵa tárbıeleý.
Sabaqtyń túri: Dástúrli emes.

Sabaqtyń ádisi: Interaktıvtik jáne synı turǵysynan oılaý ádisi, baıandaý, toptyq jáne jeke jumys.
Pánaralyq baılanys: Qazaq tili jáne geografıa, bıologıa.
Oqý quraldary: Tabıǵattyń ásem jáne kórkem jerler týraly slaıdtar, óleń, sqemalar, tablısalar, krosvord.
Tehnıkalyq quraldary: Interaktıvti taqta.
Sabaq barysy
I Greeting.

II. Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you, sit down. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson and I will give you the papers of evolution card to evaluate yourself, neighbour, team, group. You must fill this card at the end of the lesson. If you want to know the theme of our lesson you should solve the crossword. Look at the blackboard and read the words try to translate into English. If I’m not mistaken it was your home task
to review the words. Do the crossword.
1. ozone
2. ultraviolet
3. rubbish
4. carbon
5. pollution
6. dangerous
7. climate
8. oxygen
9. greenhouse
10. temperature

1. ozon 8. ottegi
2. kúlgin 9. jylyjaı
3. qoqsyq 10. dene qyzýy
4. kómirtegi
5. lastaný
6. qaýipti
7. klımat

Teacher: So, our theme is environment.
III Warming up. The Poem: The Earth.

I’ll read the poem and listen to me then you must read and translate into Kazakh language.
The Earth is my home.
I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.
I will love to the land, the air, the water and all living creatures.
I will be save the Earth.
United with friends, I promise to keep it.
United with friends, I will love the land.
United with friends, I’ll be a defender.
I will save the Earth.
I will save the Earth.

IV The next task will be: ”Brainstorming”.
What association do you have for the word “ environment ”? I’ll divide you in two teams. You will be the first team and you will be the second team. Take the whatman paper and write your ideas about pollution. The first team write about air pollution and the second about water pollution.
Air pollution.
1. The acid rain - qyshqyl jańbyr.
2. Cars and buses – jeńil kólikter jáne avtobýstar.
3. Skin cancer - teri isigi.
4. Ozone layer - ozon qabaty.
5. Nuclear power stations – ıaderly elektr stansıalary.
6. Britain, The USA, Chernobyl - Ulybrıtanıa, Amerıka, Chernobyl
7. Good filters - jaqsy súzgishter.
8. Clean air and clean water - taza aýa jáne taza sý.
Water pollution.
1. The sea waters - teńiz sýlary.
2. The Pacific Ocean - Tynyq Muhıty.
3. The French Government - Fransýz úkimeti.
4. The North Sea - Soltústik teńiz.
5. Many rivers and lakes - Kóp ózender jáne kólder.
6. Fish and reptiles - Balyqtar men baýyrymen jorǵalaýshylar.
7. Oxygen – Ottegi.
8. A lot of waste - kóp kaldyq.
V Listening activity.
The text: Alpharetta’s Green School Program.

The new words:
1. To participate – qatysý.
2. To monitor - tekserý.
3. Effect - áser, yqpal.
4. In tune - kelisim boıynsha.
I ’ll read the text twice, listen to me.
Dee West, the director of Clean and Beautiful in Alpharetta, Georgia, began the Green School in 1991. The Green School was created to teach children how to protect the environment.
Now there are more than 20 schools in the Alpharetta area that are participating in Dee West ’ s environmental program. The children at the Green Schools understand that they have to work hard to protect the environment. They work on several environmental projects, including monitoring and cleaning lakes and rivers, planting trees, studying nature and the effects of pollution, and recycling cans and paper.
Now parents tell Mrs. West, “ I can’t throw anything away, ’’ because their children are so in tune with recycling!
VI Teacher: And now you must fill in the table.
The table: 5 - W - Method.
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Dee West the director of Clean and Beautiful Green School. The Green School was created to teach children how to protect the environment. The Green School began in 1991. The Green School in Alpharetta, Georgia. The children at the Green Schools understand that they have to work hard to protect the environment
VII Fill in the sentences.
Pollution, most serious, destruction, environmental, dangerous, poisoned, dump.
1. There are a lot of … problems nowadays.
2. Air pollution is one of the … ecological problems.
3. Many lakes, rivers and seas are … nowadays.
4. Rivers will be polluted, if people... waste into them.
5.... of rainforests is one of them.
6. Too many cars... for people in towns and cities.
7. Many cars and buses cause air ….
VIII Look at the slides and read the sentences.
IX. Imagine that the Greenpeace organization asked you to design T - shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Make a project: A “ green ” T - shirt.
X. Teacher: And now I think it’s the time to write an essay of this theme. I’ll give you 5 minutes.
Will you give me your evaluation cards? I want to see your marks, it is interesting for me.
Your marks for today....
Your home - task will be: to learn the poem by heart and write the composition: environment or ecology. The lesson is over. Goodbuy.

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