- 05 naý. 2024 02:31
- 252
Shalqan ertegisi
Alkýatova Mıramgýl Laıykovna
Ýchıtel rýsskogo ı anglııskogo ıazyka I - kategorıa
ZKO Djangalınskıı raıon Djangala Detskıı sad «Bóbek»
Tehnologıalyq karta.
Uıymdastyrylǵan oqý is - áreketi: «Balapan» toby
Bilim berý salasy: «Qatynas»
Oqý is - áreket túri: Aǵylshyn tili
Maqsaty: Balalardyń aǵylshyn tiline degen qyzyǵýshylyqtaryn oıatý, ertegini qoıa otyryp, olardyń sóıleý tilin damytý, aǵylshyn tilinde ertegi aıtýǵa úırettý, sózdik qorlaryń molaıtý, qatesiz sóıleýge daǵdylandyrý.
Kórnekilikter: sýretter, vıdeo fılm
Bılgıngvaldy kompanent: Grandfather - ata, grandmother - áje, granddaughter - qyz, dog - ıt, cat - mysyq, mouse - tyshqan.
Motıvasıalyq qozǵaýshy
Good morning!
İzdený - uıymdastyrýshy Shalqan (The turnip)
The Turnip
The Dog
The Cat
The Mouse
(Grandfather sees a big turnip.)
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen - garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, Grandfather. I'm coming.
Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Dog, Dog, help us, please!
The Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three! One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!
The Cat: All right, Dog. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
The Mouse: All right. Cat. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat and the Mouse (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (Fall down.)
The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!
All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý
Ýchıtel rýsskogo ı anglııskogo ıazyka I - kategorıa
ZKO Djangalınskıı raıon Djangala Detskıı sad «Bóbek»
Tehnologıalyq karta.
Uıymdastyrylǵan oqý is - áreketi: «Balapan» toby
Bilim berý salasy: «Qatynas»
Oqý is - áreket túri: Aǵylshyn tili
Maqsaty: Balalardyń aǵylshyn tiline degen qyzyǵýshylyqtaryn oıatý, ertegini qoıa otyryp, olardyń sóıleý tilin damytý, aǵylshyn tilinde ertegi aıtýǵa úırettý, sózdik qorlaryń molaıtý, qatesiz sóıleýge daǵdylandyrý.
Kórnekilikter: sýretter, vıdeo fılm
Bılgıngvaldy kompanent: Grandfather - ata, grandmother - áje, granddaughter - qyz, dog - ıt, cat - mysyq, mouse - tyshqan.
Motıvasıalyq qozǵaýshy
Good morning!
İzdený - uıymdastyrýshy Shalqan (The turnip)
The Turnip
The Dog
The Cat
The Mouse
(Grandfather sees a big turnip.)
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen - garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, Grandfather. I'm coming.
Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Dog, Dog, help us, please!
The Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three! One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!
The Cat: All right, Dog. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
The Mouse: All right. Cat. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat and the Mouse (pulling together): One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three! (Fall down.)
The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!
All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý