Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 4 kún buryn)
Washington  Grammar: Adjectives (Syn esimniń shyraılary)
Syn esimder jaıly jalpy málimet berý, salystyrmaly jáne kúsheıtpeli syn esimderdi meńgerýlerine yqpal jasaý, «Vashıngton» taqyrybyna qatysty mátindi aýdarý, Astana men Vashıngtondy salystyrý, uqsas erekshelikterin anyqtaý.
• Oqýshy boıynda óz betimen bilim alý, ózin - ózi retteý daǵdylaryn qalyptastyrý.
• Shyǵarmashylyq qabiletterin damytý;
• Synı turǵydan oılaı otyryp, alǵan bilimin ómirde qoldanýyna jeteleý.
Kútiletin nátıje: Býyn sanyna qaraı syn esimderdi salystyra alady, sózdik qorlary molaıady, sýretke qarap áńgime quraı alady, toptyq jumys jasaýda belsendilikteri artady, tyńdalym jáne jazylym arqyly oılaryn jetkizedi. Synı oılaı biledi.
Qoldanylatyn ádis – tásilder: Yntymaqtastyq atmosfera, Mıǵa shabýyl, Syn turǵysynan oılaý tehnologıasy, Serpilgen saýal, Jıgso ádisi, ınsert ádisi, toptyq jumys, Ózin – ózi baǵalaý paraqtary, «Blob» aǵashy!
Resýrstar: Interaktıvti taqta, marker, túrli tústi boıaý, «Blob» aǵashy beınelengen paraqtar, plakat.
Oqýlyq: Aıapova T. M. Aǵylshyn tili 6 synyp, Almaty, «Atamura» baspasy 2011j.

Kirispe I.
Greeting! (Sálemdesý)
Good morning pupils!
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent today?
II. Shattyq sheńberin qurý. (Oqýshylardy sheńber arqyly turǵyzý)

Eki memlekettiń astanalarynyń keskinderin jınaý arqyly oqýshylardy toptarǵa bóliný.

Úı tapsyrmasy Úı tapsyrmasyn sheńberde taldaıdy.
Brıtanıanyń ataqty jazýshylarynyń ómirbaıandarynan qysqasha málimet. Eki top birige otyryp slaıd jasaý!

Tusaýkeser Organization moment: Brainstorming Mıǵa shabýyl.
I. Suraqtarǵa jaýap berý. Answer the following questions:
1. Who is discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
2. What is the national symbol of America? (The bald eagle)
3. Where is the statue of Liberty? (New York)
4. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
5. The biggest clock in the world? (Big Ben)
6. How many states are there in America? (50 states)
7. Who was the first president of USA? (George Washington)
8. What is the national sport in America? (baseball)
9. How many stripes has American flag? (13 stripes)
10. What is the capital of America? (Washington)

Negizgi bólim
II. New words Sózdikpen jumys.
Situated – ornalasqan
Continent – kontınent
Borders – shektesken
Population – halqy
Majority – kópshilik
Ethnic groups – etnıkalyq top
Islands – aral
Least – az
Ancient – eski, kóne
Enterprise – kirisken is, tapqyrlyq
Throughout – ár jerde, barlyq jerde

I. Work with the text
Group A - read about USA Read the text and discuss about The United States of America
The United States is situated in the central part of the North American continent. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. In the north it borders Canada and in the south it borders Mexico. The United States is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, and China. It has an area of about 10 million square kilometers and its population is over 270 million people. The great majority of the population is English - speaking Americans. There are many ethnic groups in the United States. The largest group is Black Americans (about 12% of the population).

The US consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia. It is a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The largest state is Alaska. Hawaii is one of the smallest states; it is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. California, New - York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio are the most heavily populated states, and Wyoming, Vermont and Alaska are the least populated states. The largest cities are New - York, Los - Angeles, Chicago, San - Francisco and Philadelphia.

The continental part of the USA consists of 4 geographical parts: 2 highland and 2 lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. The Appalachian Mountains are ancient, strongly destroyed mountains of no great height. The valleys between them are rich in coal. It is the oldest mountain system in the US.
The USA has many natural resources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. The economy of the US is based upon free enterprise. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has no ’official’ national language. The basic language spoken throughout the country is American English. The second language is Spanish. Group B - read about Astana Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It’s in the central part of Kazakhstan, on the river Esil. It has a population of over seven hundred thousand people. Astana is famous for its modern buildings. The popular buildings are the monument of Baiterek, the Circus and the entertainment centre of Duman. Astana also has a problem with traffic. There are many cars on the streets. That’s why the city is noisy and crowded. Astana is not a centre for tourism but it’s a cultural and business centre. It has a lot of cinemas, theatres and museums. Most of wide streets are in the centre.

«Djıgso» ádisi arqyly mátindi aldymen topta talqylaý, basqa top múshelerimen aýysý arqyly olarǵa óziniń oqyǵanyn túsindirý.
• «Serpilgen saýal». Mátin boıynsha materıaldyń túsiný deńgeıin arttyrýǵa jáne talqylaý daǵdylaryn damytýǵa qol jetkizý úshin synyptaǵy oqýshylardyń arasynda suraqtardy laqtyramyn.
Work with the text in a group. Mátin boıynsha suraqtar tizbegi: Group USA
- Where is the situated USA? (situated in the central part of the North American continent)
- How many oceans are there? (Atlantic and Pacific oceans)
- How many states are there in America? (50 states)
- What is the capital of America? (Washington)
- Where does the president of the USA live and work?
- When is the Day of national independence in the USA? (July 4 th)
Group Astana
- What are the popular buildings?
- What is the name of its river?-
Qorytyndy bólim

«Blob» aǵashyn boıaý arqyly baǵalaý, topty baǵalaý.
Refleksıa «Eki juldyz bir tilek» refleksıasy.

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