Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 11 saǵat buryn)
Burys etistikter
Aǵylshyn tili 6 synyp
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Burys etistikter
Sabaqtyń maqsaty:
Bilimdilik: Aǵylshyn tilindegi etistiktiń formalaryn túsiný, olardyń aıyrmashylyǵy men qurylymyn, atqarar rólin túsindirý.
Damytýshylyq: oqýshylardyń oı - óresin, tereń oılaý, kórkem jazý, taqyrypqa kózqarastaryn erkin aıtý qabiletterin damytý.
Tárbıelik: oqýshylardy sabaq barysynda taqyrypqa baılanystyra otyryp, adamgershilikke, qarapaıymdylyqqa, eńbekqorlyqqa tárbıeleý.
Sabaqtyń tıpi: dástúrli sabaq
Sabaqtyń túri: qaıtalaý sabaǵy
Sabaqtyń ádisi: baıandaý, túsindirý, suraq - jaýap
Sabaqtyń kórnektiligi: untaspa, úlestersheleri oqýlyq.

Sabaqtyń jospary/Plan of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
2. Checking up the home task
3. New theme/Presentation
4. Praktice work
5. Conclusion of the lesson
6. Giving home task
7. Giving marks

Sabaqtyń barysy/ Procedure of the lesson:
1. Orgonization moment:
- Good morning, pupils! – How are you? – Who is on duty today? – Who is absent?
- What date is it today?- What`s the day of the week? – Are you ready for the lesson? – OK let`s begin our lesson!
Phonetic drill
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see
Was the blue, blue sea, sea, sea

2. Checking up the home task
So, let’s check up your home task.
What was your home task for today?
OK, I’ll give you 2 m to repeat your home task, Than I’ll ch. Up.
Your home task was ex. 4 P. 37
1. Where were you on summer holiday?
I was in the village of my grandparents
I was in Astana, Almaty and Shymkent
2. What did you do there
I swam there, cared of the domestic animals, worked in the garden
3. Who did you play with?
I played with my friends and relatives
4. What time did you stay there?
I went in June and came back in August

3. New theme/Presentation
New words:
Open your books at page 38 Today we have a new theme
The theme of the lesson is “Irregular verb”
What does it mean “Irregular verb” in Kazakh?
- burys etistikter
- Etistik ótken shaqta jappaı ózgeriske ushyraıdy. Osyndaı etistikter burys etistik bolyp tabylady.
Mysaly: To be etistigi past simple jáne past participle – da ózgeredi. “To be” – bolý degendi bildiredi.
I was in Taraz.
We were in Taraz
“To break” – syndyrý
I broke vase
He broke a vase
They have broken a vase
“To do” – jasaý
I do it every day
He didn’t it yesterday
They have done it yesterday

4. Practise work
Exercise 20 at page 242.
Look and say what happened last nihgt
Using these verbs
Cook visit like
Clear the table watch TV enjoy the evening
Exercise 21 at page 243
Listen, repeat and remember.
Irregular verbs – V2: come – came
Exercise 22 at page 243
Look and say how your grandmother went shopping.

5. Conclusion of the lesson
- you were very active and clever
Your marks for today ……….

6. Giving home task
Exercise 7, 8 p. 39, 40

7. Evalution.
- The lesson is over!- Good bye!

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