Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 3 kún buryn)
Násilshildik jáne teńdik


Maqalada násilshildik pen kemsitýshilik faktileri sıpattalǵan. Sondaı-aq anyqtama berilgen, mysaldar keltirilgen. Násilshildikke qarsy sharalar týraly jazylǵan . Amerıkadaǵy qara jáne aq adamdar arasyndaǵy násilshildik . Jumys ornynda nemese odan tys jerde násilshildik anyqtalǵan kezde qaıda júginýge bolatyny.Zertteý nátıjesinde 100-200 jyldar ótse násilshildik, dıskrımınasıa áli de bar jáne adamdar osyndaı oqıǵalardyń qurbany bolyp tabylatyndyǵyn dáleldep otyr .Maqala stýdentterge, saıasatkerlerge jáne osy máselege qyzyǵýshylyq tanytatyn adamdarǵa arnalǵan.

Túıindi sózder: kemsitýshilik, násilshildik, teń emes qarym-qatynas, quqyqtar, býllıng, adam quqyqtary


V state opısyvaetsá fakty o rasızme ı dıskrımınasıı.  Takje daetsá opredelenıe, prımery.  Pıshetsá pro mery protıv rasızma. Rasızm v Amerıke mejdý chernymı ı belymı lúdmı. Takje kýda mojno obratıtsá prı obnarýjenıı rasızma v rabochem meste ılı za predelamı raboty. V rezýltate ıssledovanıa bylo obnarýjeno, chto spýstá daje 100-200 let rasızm, dıskrımınasıa vse eshe sýshestvýet ı lúdı ıavláútsá jertvamı podobnyh slýchı. Statá prednaznachena dlá stýdentov, polıtıkov ı lúdám ınteresýıýshımsá etoı problemoı.

Klúchevye slova: dıskrımınasıa, rasızm, neravnoe obrashenıe, prava, býllıng, prava cheloveka


The article describes facts about racism and discrimination. The definition and examples are also given. Is it written about measures against racism? Racism in America between black and white people. Also, where you can contact if you find racism in the workplace or outside of work. As a result of the study, it was found that even after 100-200 years, racism and discrimination still exist and people are victims of such cases. The article is intended for students,  and people interested in this problem.

Keywords: discrimination, racism, unequal treatment, rights, bullying, human rights

As long as there is racial privilege, racism will never end.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

2.0 What is racism? What is discrimination? Discrimination is an unequal treatment in which one person is treated worse than another in the same situation. The grounds for discrimination may be, for example, ethnicity, nationality or religion.Discrimination is, for example, when you are not provided with services because of your ethnicity, or if during a job interview you are required to have a perfect knowledge of the Kazakh language, although this is not necessary for the job.

The fact that people are treated differently is not always discrimination. People can be treated differently if there are acceptable reasons for this.The equality act provides a definition of discrimination.The Equality Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, origin, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relations, health status, disability, sexual orientation or other personal reasons. No one should be put in a worse position for the above reasons.

Racism means that a group of people or a representative of this group of people is considered worse than other people on the basis of, for example, ethnic origin, skin color, citizenship, culture, native language or religion. Racist offence means the offence, the cause of which was racism. Racist crimes may include, for example, violence, insults to honor and dignity, discrimination, threats, harassment and bullying, or sabotage. If you are the victim of a racist crime, report it to the police.

3.0 Racists are people who believe that a person's innate, inherited biological characteristics determine their behavior. The racist doctrine asserts that national identity is determined by the purity of blood. Racism, including racial anti-Semitism (prejudice against or hatred of Jews based on false biological theories), has always been an integral part of German National Socialism (Nazism). The Nazis perceived the entire history of mankind as a history of biologically determined struggle between people of different races. After the Nazis came to power, they passed the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which gave a supposedly biological definition of Jewishness. According to the Nazi racial theory, the Germans and other nationalities of northern Europe were "Aryans", representatives of the highest race. During the Second World War, Nazi doctors conducted pseudo-scientific medical experiments, trying to find physical proof of the superiority of the Aryans and the inferiority of all others. Despite the fact that a large number of non-Aryan prisoners were killed during these experiments, the Nazis were unable to find any evidence for their theory of racial differences between people.Nazi racism was the cause of mass murder on an unprecedented scale. During the Second World War, the Nazi leadership ordered the so-called "ethnic cleansing" in the occupied territories of Poland and the Soviet Union. This policy involved the complete extermination of all so-called "hostile races", including the genocide of European Jews and the extermination of the political and state leaders of the Slavic peoples. Nazi racists viewed mental and physical disorders as a biological threat to the purity of the Aryan race. After careful planning, German doctors began to kill defective patients in medical institutions in Germany; this operation was euphemistically called the "Euthanasia Program".


Racism in the United States has been around since the founding of the state. The population consisted mainly of white people, differing in their national and religious characteristics, and very different in their attitude to other groups. The main victims of racism were non-white indigenous people-Indians and black slaves, that is, African Americans. Legally, civil rights extended only to the white population. But, despite this, the non-Protestant white population — Italians, Spaniards, French, Greeks, some Germans, Dutch, Irish, Poles, Jews — became victims of xenophobia on the part of Protestants at the domestic level. Their Protestant majority considered them "alien whites".

Significant progress in overcoming racism in the United States began in the 1960s, when the success of the civil rights movement led to significant political and socio-economic measures that ensured equality and bridged the age-old gap that separated African Americans, American Indians and other minorities from the mainstream of American life.

On the eve of the US presidential election in 2020, in the publications of the media and non-governmental organizations specializing in human rights issues, experts noted that racism remains one of the unresolved problems of American society, which continues to influence the political life of the country.

It feels like racism is getting stronger every year. Last year, we witnessed the story of the police and the murdered Black man. This is not one case of many of them. As it was hard in the 15-18 centuries, it is hard now. African-Americans have not yet found a peaceful life. Girls who are black experience a lot of pain because of their skin color. But it's still hard to find beauty in a mirror. Many people think that lighter girls will always be perceived as more beautiful and in demand. Although black girls are beautiful in their own way.

People still separate them, look at them with a different look. They have their own neighborhood in America. Separate establishments and shops. Many people still consider them a low grade. Every time there are cases involving African Americans. Crime, theft, murder. They are being punished. It makes them angry. They are angry because of the injustice that even on their own land they cannot live in peace. Many people treat them with understanding. But everyone should be treated fairly. Only then will racism end. People should wake up to their conscience, humanity. A person should look, treat a person like a person. Everyone should participate in this: politicians, parents, who look at children and take an example, presidents, foreigners, all citizens of the country. Do something, make a decision, punish, until it all turns into a war.

Do not forget about…

If you experience discrimination at work, contact your boss first. If you have not received assistance from him, contact the Health and Safety commissioner at your workplace or a trusted person If the issue is not resolved at the workplace, contact the regional office for labor protection or your trade union.

If you experience discrimination outside of work or notice discrimination elsewhere, you can contact the Discrimination Commissioner . You can also apply for another person or group of people.


A man! stay human! Everyone should start with themselves. This is a problem that affects the whole world, not just America. In all cities, countries, and schools, there are cases of perceived racism.The society of people will definitely change over time. It is necessary to teach children that people are different. there are different nationalities, races, and everyone should be treated equally.I want the world not to be divided into black, white, and yellow. Everyone understands that when we die, we do not choose our place or nationality. "Come on, I'm going to die in Las Vegas today," no, that doesn't happen. We are all one, we are all human, and we are all united by the fact that everyone is a human being. Maybe some people have different religions and views on life, but still we are all human. I want people in the world to always tell each other: "Hello, my brother!»



2. the book " In Black Lives Matter”

3. M. Levın, Ia. Rogınskıı, N. Cheboksarov. Anglo-amerıkanskıı rasızm. // Sovetskaıa etnografıa, 1949, № 1. — S. 18-47.

4. US election 2020: Why racism is still a problem for the world's most powerful country, BBC News (30 oktábrá 2020). Data obrashenıa 15 ıanvará 2021.

5.↑ 1615 L. St NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA202-419-4300 | Main202-857-8562 | Fax202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Comparing racial and ethnic gaps in the U.S. (angl.)  (neopr.) ?. Pew Research Center. Data obrashenıa: 15 ıanvará 2021.


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