Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 4 saǵat buryn)
Aǵylshyn jáne qazaq tilindegi maqal-mátelderdiń uqsastyqtarymen erekshelikteri

Shyǵys Qazaqstan Oblystyq Bilim Basqarmasynyń
«Tarbaǵataı koleji» komýnaldyq memlekettik mekemesi
Daıyndaǵan: Ajyhanov Rýslan
Jetekshisi: Kanafına Elmıra Sezgalıevna

Shet tili meńgertý qazirgi zamanda oqýshylardyń sózdik qoryn damytýda alatyn orny erekshe. Aǵylshyn tili de qazaq tili sıaqty kórkem de sheber, maǵynaly da mazmundy, qysqa da nusqa qanatty sózderge óte baı. Sol qanatty sózderdiń biri - maqal-mátelder. Maqal-mátelde ár halyqtyń tarıhy, ádet-ǵurpy, salt-dástúri, mádenıeti, ulaǵatty sózderimen jatyr.
Men jas ustaz bolsam da 11 synypty ENT-ge daıyndaý barysynda  osy maqal-mátelderdi jınaqtadym. 11 synypty ENT-ge daıyndaý barysynda fonetıkalyq, gramatıkalyq, leksıkalyq materıaldar boıynsha 1 kitap shyǵardym.


1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.-Qolda barda altynnyń qadiri joq.
2. All talk no action, Action speak louder than words. - Kóp sóz kómir, az sóz altyn.
3. There is no smoke without fire. - Jel soqpasa,ot shyqpaıdy.
4. Murder will out. -Ótiriktiń quıryǵy biraq tutam.
5. A man can die but once. - Erdiń eki sóılegeni ólgeni.
6. Custom is a second nature.- Aýrý qalsa da ádet qalmaıdy.
7. What is done cannot be undone.- Aıtylǵan sóz –atylǵan oq.
8. An apple a day keeps the doctors away.- Almany kúnde jeseń, saǵan aýrý jolamaıdy.
9. Two heads are better than one.- Bir bastan eki bas artyq.
10. While there is life, there is a hope.- Jeti ret ólshep, bir ret kes.
11. A friend in need is a friend indeed.- Jaqsy dos ashyp aıtar, jaman dos qosyp aıtar.
12. Make hay while the sun shines.- Temirdi qyzǵanda soq.
13. Out of sight, out of mind.- Kózden ketse kóńilden de ketedi.
14. To kill two birds with one stone.- Bir oqpen eki qoıandy atý.
15. Handsome is as handsome does.- Adamdy syrtynan emes, ishinen tany.
16. Appearance an deceitful.- Mal alasy syrtynda, adam alasy ishinde.
17. Everything is good in its season.- Ár nárseniń orny bar.
18. First think then speak.- Oınap sóıleseń de, oılap sóıle.
19. To tell tales out of school.- Otyz tisten shyqqan sóz, otyz rýly elge jetedi.
20. Don’t count you chickens before they are hatched.- Balapandy kúzde sanaıdy.
21. Don’t trouble, trouble until trouble you.- Úndemegen úıdeı páleden qutylady.
22. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.- Oramal ton bolmaıdy, jol bolady.
23. Better late than never.- Eshten kesh jaqsy.
24. The rotten apple injures its neigbours.- Bir qaryn maıdy bir qumalaq shirtedi.
25. It never rains but it pours.- Bir aınaldyrǵandy  shyr aınaldyrady.
26. Live not to eat, but to leave.- Jeý úshin ómir súrmeı, ómir úshin kúresý kerek.
27. Live and learn.- Oqýsyz bilim joq, bilimsiz kúniń joq.
28. The early bird catches the worm.-
      Erte turǵan áıeldiń bir isi artyq, erte turǵan erkektiń yrysy artyq.
29. Business before pleasure.- Beınet túbi-zeınet.
30. East or west, home is best.- Otan ottan ystyq.
31. The more we learn the more we know.- Neǵurlym kóp oqysaq, soǵurlym kóp bilemiz.
32. All is not gold that glitters.- Jyltyraǵannnyń bári altyn emes.
33. Honesty is the best policy.- Aryńdy jasyńnan saqta.
34. Friendless is poor.- Dosy joq adam-kedeı adam.
35. All roads lead to.- Qyzyl til Rımge jetkizer.
36. Knowledge is power.- Bilimdige dúnıe jaryq.
37. A good beginning makes a good ending.- Biter istiń basyna, jaqsy keler qasyna.
38. No pains, no gains.- Eńbeksiz-ónbek joq.
39. He who laughs last laughs best.- Sońǵy kúlgen kúledi.
40. Seeing is believing- Estigenge emes, kórgenge sen.
41. Nothing venture, nothing have.- Áreket bolmaı, bereket bolmas.
42. Where there is a will there is a way.- İzdegen muratyna  jetedi.
43. You cannot eat your cake and have it.- Bir ótkennen eki ótpek joq.
44. Neck or nothing.- Sheshingen sýdan taıynbas.
45. Never say die.- Salyń sýǵa ketpesiń.
46. No gain without pain.- Tirliksiz-birlik joq.
47. Nothing comes from nothing.- Eshteńeden eshteńe de shyqpaıdy.
49. One good turn deserves another.- Qaıtqan malda qaıyr joq.
50. The devil is not so black as he is pained.- Qoryqqanǵa qos kórinedi.
51. To make a mountain out of the hill.- Túımedeıdi túıedeı qylý.
52. Don’t cross a bridge before you come to it.- Baıybyna barmaı bal ashpa.
53. Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.- Ósek bar jerde ótirik bar.
54. A burnt child dread the fire.- Aýzy kúıgen úrlep ishedi.
55. A drowning man will catch at a straw.- Sýǵa ketken tal qarmaıdy.
56. A fool at forty is a fool indeed.- Otyzynda orda buzbaǵan, qyrqynda qamal almas.
57. There is no place like home.- Óz úıim óleń tósegim.
58. It is never too late to learn.- Úırenýge eshqashan kesh emes.
59. A good wife makes a good husband.- Jaqsy áıel jaman erkektiń basyn órge súıreıdi.
60. An empty hand is no lure for a hawk.- Kúlsheli bala súımekke jaqsy.
61. Practice makes perfect.- Qaıtalaý –oqý aınasy.
62. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.- Jaman jumysshy quraldarymen urysady.
63. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.- Tyshqannan qutylý úshin, óz úıińdi órteme.
64. Blood is thicker than water.- Qan sýdan qoıý.
65. So many countries , so many customs- Ár eldiń salty basqa.
66. Between friends all is common.- Eregesken el bolmaıdy, eseptesken dos bolmaıdy.
67. False friends are worse than open enemies.- Ótirikshi dos jaýdan jaman.
68. A man is known by the company he keeps.- Dosyna qarap, kisini tany.
69. Pride goes before a fall.- Eńkeıgen eki asaıdy, qaıqaıǵan qur qalady.
70. No news is good news.- Ash qulaqtan- tynysh qulaq.
71. Cut your coat according to your cloth.- Kórpeńe qaraı kósil.
72. There is honour among thieves.- Qarǵa qarǵanyń kózin shuqymaıdy.
73. To be or not to be.- Baıaǵy jartas- bir jartas.
74. The voice of voice of one man is the voice of no one.-
      Jalǵyzdyń úni shyqpas,jaıaýdyń shańy shyqpas.
75. One man no man.- Jalǵyz júrip jol tapqansha, kóppen birge adas .
76. One is no number.- Bir san emes, eki kóp emes.
77. One flower makes no garland.- Jalǵyz aǵash úı bolmas, jalǵyz jigit bı bolmas.
78. A cat in gloves catches no mice.- Eńbegine qaraı ónbegi.
79. Brevity is the soul of wit.- Qysqalyq –tapqyrlyqtyń jany.
80. He who begins many things finishes only few.- Eki kemeniń basyn ustaǵan, sýǵa ketedi.
81. Talk of the devil and he will appear.- Kimdi aıtsań sol keledi.
82. Everything comes to him who wants.- İzdegen jeter muratqa.
83. Every dog has its day.- Dúnıe kezek , terme tezek.
84. Catch the bear before you sell its skin.- Qashpaǵan  sıyrdyń ýyzynan dámetpe.
85. A tree is known by its fruit.- Aǵash jemisimen tanylady.
86. A good name is better than a good face.- Túsi ıgiden túńilme.
87. The more you live, the more you see, the more you see, the more you know.-
      Kópti kórgen kósem bolar, sóıleı-sóıleı sheshen bolar.
88. Who knows most says least.- Kóp bil, az sóıle.
89. A man is known by his friend or you know a man by his friend.- Adamdy dosynan tany.
90. A good deed is never lost.- Qaıtqan malda bereke bar.
91. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.- Eki kemeniń basyn ustaǵan sýǵa ketedi.
92. A good word is soon said as an ill.- Jaqsy sóz-jarym yrys.
93. When the cat is away, the mice will play.- It joqta shoshqa úredi.
94. Let bygones be bygones.- Ótken kúnde belgi joq.
95. Little strokes fell great oaks.- Eńbek etseń emersiń.
96. Words hurt more than swords.- Sóz tas jarady, tas jarmasa bas jarady.
97. Health is above wealth.- Densaýlyq -zor baılyq.
98. Every man is the architect of his own mill.- Árkim óz ómiriniń sáýletshisi.
99. Still water runs deep.- Úndemegennen úıdeı páleden shyǵady.
100. Rome was not built in a day.- Igiliktiń erte-keshi joq.
101. Poverty is no sin.- Kedeılik –kúná emes.
102. So many men, so many mind.- Kóptiń oıy kemeńger.
103. Health is better than wealth.- Densaýlyq-zor baılyq.
104. Tastes differ.- Talǵamǵa talas joq.
105. When angry, count a hundred.- Ashýlanǵanda júz ret sana.
106. You can’t eat your cake and have it.- Bir ótkelden eki ótpek joq.
107. Bad news travel fast.- Jamanat jatpaıdy.
108. Neck or nothing.- Sheshingen sýdan taıynbas.
109. A word is enough to the wise.- Aqyldyǵa bir sóz de jetkilikti.
110. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.- Keshki eki saǵattan tańǵy bir saǵat artyq.
111. To be head over ears in dept.- Qaryzy bastan asady.
112. To be up to the ears in love.- Ólerdeı ǵashyq.
113. He that is full of himself is very empty.- Aýzymen bárin aıtady, al iske kelgende túk bilmeıdi.
114. Every man is an architect of his own fortune.- Árkim óz baqytyna ıe.
115. A good beginning is half the battle.- Jaqsy bastama-shaıqastyń jartysy.
116. Deed is not words.- Sóz emes-is kerek.
117. Better en egg today than a hen tomorrow.- Tańdaǵy taýyqtan sol kúngi jumyrtqa artyq.
118. When in Rome, do as Romans do.- Rımde bolsań, rımdiktershe iste.
119. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks.- Oınasa da, oıyndaǵysyn aıtady.
120. Four eyes see more than two.- Eki kózden tórt kóz kóbirek kóredi.
121. The leopard cannot change its spots.- Sútpen kirgen minez súıekpen ketedi.
122. Better a glorious death than shameful life.- Ólimnen uıat kúshti.
123. An idle brain is the devil is workshop.- Bos aqyl –oı shaıtannyń sheberhanasy
124. The more haste, the less speed.- Asyqqan saıyn shapshańdyq báseńdeıdi.
125. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.- Bári is júzinde tekseriledi.
126. The fat is in the fire.- Bolar is boldy, boıaýy sińdi.
127. Necessity is the mother of invention.- Muqtajdyq nandy jeýdi de úıretedi.
128. As the tree , so the fruit.- Aǵash qandaı bolsa, jemisi sondaı.
129. Better to do well than to say well.- Jaqsy sóılegennen jaqsy istegen artyq.
130. A great ship asks deep waters.- Úlken kemege uzaq sapar.
131. A watched pot never boils.- Qazannyń qaınaýyn kútseń qaınamas.

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