Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 2 kún buryn)
M.Maǵaýın men R.Toqtarovtyń shyǵarmalaryndaǵy tarıhı shyndyq pen kórkemdik sheshim.

Muhtar Maǵaýındi bireý jazýshy, bireý ǵalym dep tanıdy. Meniń tanymyma jazýshy Maǵaýın jaqynyraq. Sebebi, tarıhtan syr shertip qana qoımaı, keıipkerleriniń qylyǵynan tanysyńdy tanyǵandaı bolasyń. Meniń oqyǵan áńgimelerimniń qatarynda Maǵaýınniń birdi-ekili shyǵarmalary tóbe kórsetip-aq qoıady. Soǵystan soń aýyldyk jaıyn sóz qylǵan «Aqsha qardyń» ózi úlken bir tóbe. «Qıandaǵy qystaýdyń» da orny erekshe. Al «Qobyz saryny» monografıasynda handyq kezeńdegi halyq jaǵdaıyn tátpishtep turyp baıan qylǵan.

Maǵan eń unaǵan «Kók munar» áńgimesine toqtalyp óteıin. Bul Muhtar Maǵaýınniń eń birinshi tarıhqa súńgı jazǵan shyǵarmasy edi. Eki júz betten turatyn kitapqa kóp dúnıe syıǵyza alǵan. Shyǵarmadaǵy Edige kim degen oı keledi basyńa. Shynymen de ol kim? Bylaı qarap tursańyz, ol siz ben biz eken. Maqsatynan bas tartpaıtyn qaısar jas, sol kezdegi eti tiri Edige men búgingi bizdiń aıyrmamyz kóp emes. Shyǵarmany jazýdaǵy maqsat ta osy bolar. Úlgi hám ónege.

Árkim bul romannan ózin kórgendeı, sol kúıdi qaıta keshkendeı áserde bolady. Kúldári de, Halel de, Berdibekter de tolyp jatyr. Oıly da ıdeıasy úıilip turǵan jastyń oıyn oısyratyp, tusaý salyp tutqyrǵan Keńes úkimetiniń otarshyl saıasaty anyq kórinis tabady. Aqshanyń sońynda qulǵa aınalǵan, mansapqorlardyń beınesin anyq ashyp kórsetedi.

Tarıh, shyndyq dep saırap tursa da  náp-názik mahabbat ta umyt qalmaǵan bul shyǵarmada. Gúlshat pen Edigeniń mahabbaty arqyly Edigeniń psıhologıasyn odan ári asha túsemiz. Keı jerlerden baıqap qalǵanym jazýshy Edigeniń atynan emes quddy bir ózi sekildi keltirgen. Menmendik pen egoızmniń shyńy kórinetin tus osy ǵoı.

Shyǵarmada oqyp otyrsań qajetsiz tustar bar ma dep qalasyń?! Biraq, ol abzassyz, ol epızodsyz shyǵarma «mendiginen» aıyrylyp qalatyndaı. Muhtar Maǵaýınniń sheberligi de osynda shyǵar. Óz basym ózimdi Gúlshattyń qımyldarynan, qylyqtarynan kórgendeı boldym. Unady, unaı beredi, qaıta oqýǵa erinbes edim.

Ramazan Toqtarovtyń shyǵarmashylyǵyndaǵy shyndyq pen tarıhqa kóz júgirteıik. Bul tusta «Abaı jumbaǵyn aıtpaı ketpeske bolmas. Sebebi bul jas jazýshy úshin, jas ǵalym úshin oqylýǵa tıisti kitaptardyń biri. Sebebi, bes kitaptyń basyn qosyp, taptyrmaıtyn jańalyqtarmen úlken mán bere otyryp usynylǵan ǵoı bul shyǵarma. Shyǵarmadan Abaıdyń ómirindegi aıtylmaı qalǵan oqıǵalardy ańǵaramyz. Bul shyǵarmada Abaı dúnıege kelgen kezdegi qazaq eliniń tarıhı jaǵdaıyna kóńil bólingen.   ΧΙΧ ǵasyrdyń orta sheni,  orys patshasynyń bodandyǵyna kirgeli ǵasyrdan astam ýaqyt ótken kez sýretteledi.   Abaıdyń shaqalaq kezinen jasóspirim kezine deıin esh ásireleýsiz, eshqandaı boıamasyz pák kúıde jetkizilgen. Eńbektemeı júrip ketken Abaıdyń anasynyń aq omyraýyn emirine ıiskep emip jatqan kórinisi óte áserli sýretteledi. Bul jerde bir halyqtyń alpamsasyn jer baýyrlatyp qoıǵysy kelmegen shyǵar degen oı shymshyp alady. Tili keshteý shyqqanyna deıin ásem kúıde jetkiziledi.   Abaı kittaı kúninde Aıǵa áýes bolypty-mys. Al anasy qalaı túsingenin shyǵarmada bylaı beredi: «Tolǵan aı — balanyń kóńiline ornaǵan tuńǵysh jumbaǵy. Amanat jany aman bolsa, ony da túbi ózi sheshedi». Óse kele Abaı janary tik, este saqtaý qabileti bárinen bıik bolǵan eken. Men bul málimetterdi Abaıdy qansha oqydym desem de bilmeıdi ekenmin. Abaı jolynan bólek Abaı týraly keremet týyndy bar ekeni tań qaldyrdy. Jetkizýi de bólek. Ár qımylynan erekshe bir mán men maǵyna izdeısiń. Tabasyń da. . . Tarıh emeı nemene bul?! Kórkemdigi men mańyzy on shyǵarmaǵa tatıdy desem artyq aıtqandyq emes.

Mukhtar Magauin is known as a writer and scientist. The writer Magauin is closer to me. This is because you not only tell stories, but you also recognize your friends from the actions of their characters. Among the stories I read, one or two of Magauin's works stand out. "Akwa kar", which spoke of the village after the war, is a big slide. "Kiandagy kistau" takes a special place. And in the monograph "Kobyz Saryny" he described the situation of the people during the period of the khanate.

I'll tell you about my favorite fairy tale "Kok munar" - this is the first work of Mukhtar Magauin, which plunged into history. A 200-page book could hold a lot. You are wondering who Edige is in the play. Who is he really? If you look at it from this perspective, it is you and us. There is not much difference between Edige and us today, a young man who never gave up his goal, who was then alive. This is probably the purpose of the composition. Example and example.

It seems to everyone that they saw themselves in this novel, as if they experienced the same situation again. Kuldari, Halel and Berdybek are enough. The colonial policy of the Soviet government, which stunned and intrigued young people with its many ideas, is clearly reflected. It clearly reveals the image of the careerist slaves in the end of the money.

Despite the fact that history appeals to the truth, tender love is not forgotten in this work. Through the love of Gulshat and Yedige, we will reveal even more the psychology of Yedige. In some places I noticed that the writer was writing not on behalf of Yedige, but on his own behalf. This is the peak of pride and selfishness.

If you read the work, do you think there are unnecessary moments ?! But without a paragraph, without an episode, the work loses its "I". The skill of Mukhtar Magauin is evident here. As if I saw myself in the actions of Gulshat. I like it, I would not be too lazy to study again.

Let's take a look at the reality and history of Ramazan Tokhtarov's work. In this regard, "it is necessary to tell the secret of Abai. " Because this is one of the books that a young writer, young scientist should read. This is due to the fact that this is a work of five books, in which irreplaceable innovations are very important. In the work we learn about the unspoken events of Abai's life. The work is devoted to the historical position of the Kazakh people at the time of Abai's birth. The middle of the twentieth century coincides with the time when we came under the rule of the Russian Tsar. It was passed on from childhood to adolescence of Abai in its pure form, without any exaggeration or color. The image of Abai, who was a baby, smelling the white breast of his mother, is very impressive. There is a feeling that some of the people did not want to show him as great. The language comes in pretty form until late release. Apparently, Abai fell in love with the moon as a child. The mother explains how she understood: “The full moon is the first riddle in a child's heart. If Amanat's soul survives, he will decide it himself. " As a child, Abai was smart and had a better memory. I do not know to what extent I read this information about Abai. In addition to the path of Abai, there is a wonderful work about Abai. Delivery is also separate. You are looking for a special meaning and meaning in every movement. You will find it . . . Tell me, is this not a story ?! It is no exaggeration to say that his art and significance are worth ten works.

Avtory Naýkenova Aınur, aýdarǵan Tilek Lázzat

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