- 05 naý. 2024 00:44
- 286
Aǵylshyn tili, 9 – synyp (Qysqa merzimdi jospar)
Aǵylshyn tili, 9 – synyp (Qysqa merzimdi jospar)
Taqyryptar: 1) Job descriptions (prezentasıasymen)
2) Jobs of the future
3) The most important things in a job
4) A part-time job
Taqyryptar: 1) Job descriptions (prezentasıasymen)
2) Jobs of the future
3) The most important things in a job
4) A part-time job
Nazar aýdaryńyz! Jasyryn mátindi kórý úshin sizge saıtqa tirkelý qajet.