Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 11 saǵat buryn)
Dene músheleri (Parts of the body)
Sabaqtyń taqyryby: Dene músheleri (Parts of the body).
2 synyp
Sabaqtyń maqsaty: Balalardyń ótken sabaqtardan alǵan bilimderin tıanaqtaý; Balalar adamnyń dene múshelerin bilý úshin tanymdyq oı - órisin keńeıtý;
Balalardyń pánge degen qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyrý.
Kórnekilikter: dene músheleri beınelengen kartochkalar, sýretter, beınetaspa,
Ádis - tásilderi: Sýret boıynsha suraq - jaýap, oıyn, túsindirý, jattap aıtý
Sabaqtyń túri: saıys sabaq

Sabaqtyń barysy:
Muǵalim: Good afternoon, children!
Qaıyrly kún, balalar!
How are you?
Qaldaryń qalaı?
Good afternoon, good afternoon
We are glad to see you
Muǵalim: I am glad to see you, too.
Thank you very much!

I. Today we have a theme parts of the body.
Balalar, búgingi ótetin taqyrybymyz – dene músheleri Parts of the body. Búgingi sabaǵymyzda dene músheleriniń aǵylshyn tilindegi ataýlaryn aıtyp úırenemiz. Eń aldymen senderge adamnyń dene múshelerin tolyqtaı túsindirip óteıin.
İİ. Name the parts of the body.
Dene múshelerine ataıyq.
Children: Qol, aıaq, bas, kóz, aýyz, qulaq, muryn jatady.
Teacher: Iá, balalar durys aıtasyńdar. Qulaqty balalar aǵylshyn tilinde qulaqty ear, al basty head, kózdi eyes, aýyzdy mouth, qoldy arm, aıaqty foot, muryndy nose dep ataımyz. Balalar barlyǵymyz taqtada ilinip turǵan adamnyń sýretine qaraıyqta, adamnyń dene múshelerin aǵylshyn tilinde aıtaıyq.

İİİ. Let’s to divide pupils into two groups.
Biz synypty eki topqa bólip, olarǵa at qoıamyz.
First team: Wolf
Birinshi top: qasqyr
Second team: Rabbit
Ekinshi top: qoıan

IV. Checking up the home task. To learn by heart the last words.
Úı tapsyrmasyn teksereıin.
(teacher checks the homework by asking in oral form )
Pupils will translate the new words of the last lesson.
Pupil 1 head – bas
Pupil 2 hair – shash
Pupil 3 eye – kóz
Pupil 4 nose - muryn
Pupil 5 mouth - aýyz
Pupil 6 ear – qulaq
Pupil 7 face – bet

D\o: « Túrli - tústerdi aǵylshyn tilinde atap shyǵý».
Oıyn sharty: balalarǵa túrli tústerdiń sýretterin kórsetedi. Balalar dene músheleriniń sanyn anyqtap, olardyń tústerin aǵylshyn tilinde aıtady.

D\o: “Touch faster”. İs - qımyl arqyly dene músheni jyldam kórsete bilý.
Eki toptan eki oqýshydan shyǵyp, jarysyp otyrady.
Head – bas
Eye – kóz
Ear – qulaq
Hair – shash
Foot – taban
Mouth – aýyz
Nose – muryn
Tooth – tis

V. Teacher: Have a rest. Sergitý sáti.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Two eyes two ears, one mouth and the nose.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Vİ. Teacher. Open your vocabulary and write down please new words.
Al, qane balalar, sózdikterińdi ashyp jańa sózderdi jazyńdar,
(Pupils will repeat after teacher and will write down them on the vocabulary)
Oqýshylar muǵalimniń artynan qaıtalap jáne sózdikterine jazyp otyrady.
“Parts of the body” Dene músheleri
Finger - [fiŋgá] - saýsaq
Body - [bodi] - dene
Foot - [fu: t] – aıaq (tobyqtan tómen)
Leg - [leg] - aıaq
Toe - [tou] - bashpaı
Arm - [a: m] – qol (ıyqtan tómen)
Shoulder - [ʃouldá:] - ıyq
Hand - [hᴂnd] – qol (bilekten tómen)
Knee - [ni:] – tize

VII. Parts of the body. Pupils answer the question and translate.
Oqýshylar suraqtarǵa jaýap berip aýdardy.
1. I can see with my…? What is it? (eyes)

2. I can hear with my…? What is it (ears)

3. I can eat and talk with him. What is it? (mouth)

VIII. Complete the sentences.
Sóılemdi tolyqtyryńdar.
This is …/ These are…
Jekeshe túrde jáne kópshe túrde
1. These are my shoulders.
Bular meniń ıyqtarym.
2. This is my head.
Bul meniń basym.
3. This are my toes.
Bular meniń on saýsaǵym.
4. This are my hands.
Bular meniń qoldarym.

IX. Homework.
Úı tapsyrma.
To learn by heart the new words and make up sentences.
(If pupils don’t understand the homework they will ask )

X. Evaluation.
Pupils you are very activity today, your marks are 5. 4. 3…
Balalar, búgin sender óte belsendi boldyńdar.
(They’ll bring their diaries to the teacher to their marks).

XI. The end of the lesson.
- The lesson is over
- Good – bye pupils
- Good – bye teacher
- See you on next lesson.

Muǵalim: Balalar, búgingi sabaǵymyzda biz qandaı taqyrypta óttik?
Balalardyń jaýaby: «Dene músheleri men tanysý»
Aǵylshyn tilinde qandaı jańa sózder úırendik?
Balalardyń jaýaby: ear, heand, leg, eye, mouth, hand, nose.
Muǵalim: Al, endi balalar osymen sabaǵymyz aıaqtaldy, good bye everybody!
Dene músheleri (Parts of the body) júkteý

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