- 05 naý. 2024 04:27
- 593
New year. Jańa jyl
"New year"
Tárbıe saǵatynyń maqsaty:
Oqýshylardyń jańa jyl kezeńine kelgen jańalyq tabýshylyqqa umtylysyn qalyptastyrý. Basqa ulttyń da rýhanı dástúrlerine qyzyǵýshylyq tanytý jáne tanystyrý. Jańa jyl, jańa jyr týraly óleń, taqpaqtar aıtqyzý. Ónerlerin ortaǵa salý.
Plakattar, sharlar, oıynshyqtar, shyrsha, oqýshylardyń kıimderi.
Oqýshylar mýzykamen kiredi.
Júrgizýshi 1:
Welcome teacher, welcome children!
Welcome our parents.
New year day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome! Welcome! New year day!
Júrgizýshi 2:
Sálemetsizder me qurmetti qonaqtar men balalar!
Kele jatqan jańa jyl merekesi qutty bolsyn.
Búgingi bizdiń merekemizde bizben birge bı – bılep,
Án aıtyp kóńil kóterińizder.
Qosh kelipsizder merekemizge.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s read a poem
Júrgizýshi 2: taqpaq
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright,
We shout with all our might:
A happy New Year!
Bring on the new year
Celebrations in the streets.
Bring on the new year
Make sure there’s lots of treats.
A year to be glad in,
And not to be sad in
To gain in, to give in,
A happy new year.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s a dance«Santa claus»
Júrgizýshi 2: Bı «Canta klaýs»
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s read the text «New year»
Júrgizýshi 2: Al endi «Jańa jyl» týraly mátin oqıdy.
Taǵaı Araılym men Rahmatýlla Mereı.
The 25 th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.
Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.
People buy Christmas tree and decorate it wish toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.
On Christmas Eve people but their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.
At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children’s stockings.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s a dance about «Fun»
Júrgizýshi 2: Bı «Kúlki»
Jastardyń ýaqytyn tıimdi uıymdastyrý ortalyǵynyń
"AVS aǵylshyn klýb" úıirmeniń aǵylshyn tili muǵalimi:
Ýmarova Nýrgýl Jýmadıllaevna
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý
Tárbıe saǵatynyń maqsaty:
Oqýshylardyń jańa jyl kezeńine kelgen jańalyq tabýshylyqqa umtylysyn qalyptastyrý. Basqa ulttyń da rýhanı dástúrlerine qyzyǵýshylyq tanytý jáne tanystyrý. Jańa jyl, jańa jyr týraly óleń, taqpaqtar aıtqyzý. Ónerlerin ortaǵa salý.
Plakattar, sharlar, oıynshyqtar, shyrsha, oqýshylardyń kıimderi.
Oqýshylar mýzykamen kiredi.
Júrgizýshi 1:
Welcome teacher, welcome children!
Welcome our parents.
New year day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome! Welcome! New year day!
Júrgizýshi 2:
Sálemetsizder me qurmetti qonaqtar men balalar!
Kele jatqan jańa jyl merekesi qutty bolsyn.
Búgingi bizdiń merekemizde bizben birge bı – bılep,
Án aıtyp kóńil kóterińizder.
Qosh kelipsizder merekemizge.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s read a poem
Júrgizýshi 2: taqpaq
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright,
We shout with all our might:
A happy New Year!
Bring on the new year
Celebrations in the streets.
Bring on the new year
Make sure there’s lots of treats.
A year to be glad in,
And not to be sad in
To gain in, to give in,
A happy new year.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s a dance«Santa claus»
Júrgizýshi 2: Bı «Canta klaýs»
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s read the text «New year»
Júrgizýshi 2: Al endi «Jańa jyl» týraly mátin oqıdy.
Taǵaı Araılym men Rahmatýlla Mereı.
The 25 th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.
Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.
People buy Christmas tree and decorate it wish toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.
On Christmas Eve people but their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.
At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children’s stockings.
Júrgizýshi 1: Let’s a dance about «Fun»
Júrgizýshi 2: Bı «Kúlki»
Jastardyń ýaqytyn tıimdi uıymdastyrý ortalyǵynyń
"AVS aǵylshyn klýb" úıirmeniń aǵylshyn tili muǵalimi:
Ýmarova Nýrgýl Jýmadıllaevna
Tolyq nusqasyn júkteý