Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 2 kún buryn)
Shet tili sabaǵynda maqal-mátelder arqyly gramatıkalyq taqyrypty túsindirý

Aqtóbe oblysy, Shalqar qalasy

№2 mektep-gımnazıasynyń

aǵylshyn tili pániniń muǵalimi

Keýlimjaeva Bazarkúl Eleýqyzy


Ápbip sabaqta tıanaqty sapaly bilim berý tárbıe jumysymen kúndelikti 6iplikte júrgizilýi tıis. Osyny basshylyqqa ala otyryp maqal-mátelderdi óz sabaqtarymda gramatıkalyq taqyryptardy túsindirgende paıdalanamyn.

Maqal-mátelder halyq aýyz ádebıetin cúıip qurmetteýge sóz óneriniń asyl qazynasyn meńgerýge, tapqyr sóıleýge, petti jerlerde koldana bilýge, úlken oıdy aıadaı qalypqa syıǵyzyp aıta bilýge tárbıeleıdi. Maqal-mátelder men jattaǵan óleńder ótken takyrypty pysyqtaý úshin, oqýshylar jalyqqan kezde kómektesedi, olardyń izdenýshilik qabiletin damytady, úsh tildi meńgerýge yntasyn arttyrady.

Mysaly belgili 6ip gramatıkalyq taqyrypty ótken kezde jattyǵýlarmen qatar úı tapsyrmasy retinde maqal- mátelderdi bepip, odan búgingi ótken gramatıkalyq taqyrypty taýyp qoldanýyn túcindipip oryssha, qazaqsha aýdaryp kelýge berilse, bul ápi túsindirilgen gramatıkalyq taqyrypty pysyqtaıdy, ápi izdendiredi jáne tárbıelik qundylyǵy bolady. Shet tilin oqytý úpdicin jandandyrý, til damytý jattyǵýlaryn qoldaný, jańa ádic-tácildepdi engizý búgingi kúnniń basty talaby. Bizdiń maqsatymyz rýhanı dúnıesi baı, ozyq oıly, aınaladaǵy ómirge ǵylymı kózqarasy qalyptasqan adamdar tárbıeleý.

Búgingi kúnde kóp tildi meńgergen jan-jaqty, el erteńin oılaıtyn urpaqty tárbıeleý keleli máselelerdiń bipi dep túsinip, tómende berilgen maqal-mátelderdi, óleń shýmaqtaryn sabaqta qoldanýdy usynyp otyrmyn.The plural of nouns.

1.        So many countries, so many customs. Chto nı gorod, to narod. Ár eldiń salty basqa, ıti qara qasqa.

2.        Many words cut more than swords. Zlye ıazykı — ostryı mech. Sóz súıekten ótedi.

3.        Men may meet but mountains never meet. Gora s goroı sqodıtsá, chelovek s chelovekom soıdetsá. 'Gaý-taýmen kezdespeıdi, adam adammen kezdesedi.

4.        A cat in gloves catches no mice. Bez trýda ne vylovısh ı rybký ız prýda. Enbeksiz ic bitpeıdi, erinshektiń qoly jetpeıdi. Jan qınalmaı jumys bitpes, talap qoımaı muratqa jetpes.

The degrees of comparison of adjectives

1.        A good name is better than riches. Dobraıa slava lýchshe bogatstva. Jaksy sóz — jarym yrys.

2.        Two heads better than one. Odna golova horosho, dve lýchshe. Eki kici 6ip kiciniń táńipici.

3.        East or west home is best. V gostáh horosho, doma lýchshe. Óz úıim óleń tósegim.

4.        Better an open enemy than a false friend. Lýchshe ıavnyı vrag, chem ljıvyı drýg. Jaýyqqan dos jaýdan beter.

5.        Better late than never. Lýchshe pozdno, chem nıkogda. Eshten kesh jaqsy.

The constructions: There is/There are

1.        There is no place like home. V gostáh horosho, a doma lýchshe. Aıhaı óz úıim, keń saraıdaı, boz úıim.

2.        There is no smoke without fire. Net dyma bez ogná. Jel bolmasa, shóptiń basy qozǵalmaıdy.

3.        There are spots even on the sun. Kon o chetyreh nogah, ı tot spotykaetsá. Tórt aıaqty mal da súrinedi.


The Present Indefinite

1.        Tastes differ. Na vkýs ı svet tovarısheı net. Árkimniń óz talǵamy bar.

2.        All is well that ends well. Vse horosho, chto horosho konchaetsá. Basy qatty bolsa, aıaǵy tátti bolady.

3.        All is not that glitters. He vse to zoloto, chto blestıt. Jyltyraǵannyń bári altyn emes.

4.        Bad news flies fast. Hýdye vestı ne lejat na meste. Jamandyq jerde jatpaıdy.

The Future Indefinite

1.        We shall see what we shall see. Pojıvem — ývıdım. Kórgenińnen kórmegeniń kóp. Júre bara kóremiz.

2.        Who keeps company with the wolves will learn to howl. S kem povedeshsá, ot togo ı nabereshsá. Joldasyna qarap, kicini bilersiń.

3.        If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. Za dvýmá zaısamı pogonıshsá, nı odnogo ne poımaesh. Eki qaıyqtyń basynan ustaǵan sýǵa ketedi.

The Present Perfect

1.        As you have made your bed, so you must lie on it. Chto poseesh, to ı pojnesh. Ne ekseń, sony orasyń.

2.        Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. He vkýsıv gorkogo, ne ýznaesh, chto sladko. Ashynyń dámin tatpaı, táttini bile almaısyń.

3.        A lot of water has flown under the bridge since that time. Mnogo vody ýteklo s teh por. Sodan 6epi kóp jyl ótti.


The Passive Voice

1.        Rome was not built in a day. Moskva ne srazý stroılas. Eńbegine qaraı ónbegi.

2.        Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Syplát po osenı schıtaıýt. Enbegiń saıly bolsa, ishiń maıly bolady.

3.        Health is not valued till sickness comes. Zdorove ne senıtsá, poka ne prıhodıt bolezn.

The Gerund

1.        Talking mends no holes. Razgovory ne pomogaıýt v bede. Kóp jaýyn jerdi búldirer, kóp sóz eldi búldirer.

2.        A clean hand wants no washing. Chestnomý cheloveký ne nýjno opravdyvatsá. Jaqsy sóz qaıda júrse de, soıyldan qoryqpaıdy.

3.        Learning is the eye of mind. Ýchene — svet, neýchene — tma. Bilimdige dúnıe jaryq, bilimsizdiń kúni qapip.

Modal Verbs

1.        Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Nıkogda ne otkladyvaı na zavtra to, chto mojesh sdelat segodná. Erinshektiń erteńi bitpes.

2.        Love cannot be forced. Nasılno mıl ne býdesh. Jaqsy jaqsy emes, jarasqany jaqsy.

3.        What must be must be. Chemý byt, togo ne mınovat. Bolar ic boldy, ótken iske óqinbe.

4.        Ne that is afraid of wounds must not come near a battle. Volkov boıatsá, v les ne hodıt. Qoıan bop kún keshkenshe, qasqyr bop qyrqysqan artyq.

Present Perfect and Past Simple

gramatıkalyq taqyrypqa baılanysty óleńder shýmaǵy.

Little girl, little girl,

Where have you been?

I have been to see grandmother Over the green.

What did she give for you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandma.

The Present Continuous

One, two, three,

Look out for me,

For 1 am coming

And I can see.

I am counting to ten.

You are giving them a pen.

She is looking at the door.

He is sitting on the floor.

All of us are working well,

Waiting, waiting for the bell.

Modal verb “Can”

I love learning English,

I can read,

I can write.

I can speak English too.

I love learning English

And what about you?


Lıchnye ı prıtájatelnye mestoımenıa

I think mice are very nice.

Their tails are long,

Their faces are small.

They don’t have any

Chins at all.

Their ears are pink,

Their teeth are white, d

They run about

The house at night.

But I think mice

Are rather nice.

tıjesinde: oqýshy ózin-ózi tárbıelep, jetildirýge, synshyl bolýǵa, basqara bilýge, perri jerlerde kerek sózderdi qoldana bilýge, sheber sóıleýge jeteleıdi.

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