Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 11 saǵat buryn)
Ertegiler álemine saıahat
Taqyryby: «Ertegiler álemine saıahat»
Maqsaty: Ertegi keıipkerleri arqyly balalardyń tilderin damytý.
- Balalardyń oılaý jáne sóıleý qabiletterin damytý.
- Ertegi keıipkerleriniń baǵa bere alýǵa daǵdylandyrý.
- Balalardy ujymmen jumys isteı alýǵa tárbıeleý, bir - birin syılaýǵa úıretý.
Kerekti quraldar: Úıshik, aǵashtar, jabaıy ańdardyń sýretteri, keıipkerlerdiń kostúmderi jáne maskalary.
Sabaq barysy: Sálemetsińder me qurmetti áriptester, qonaqtar, balalar.
Good morning, dear guests and children!
Good morning, good morning
Good morning, to you.
Good morning, good morning.
I m glad to see you.
- How are you children?
- What day is it today?
Balalar taqtadaǵy sýretterde qaı erteginiń keıipkerleri ilinip tur? Durys, Úıshik ertegisinen kelip túr. Balalar erteginiń keıipkerleri bar, al endi ne jetispeıdi? Durys úıshik jetispeıdi, al úıshikke jetý ýshin bizdiń ertegi keıipkerlerimiz bizge birneshe tapsyrmalar usyndy, sol tapsyrmalardy oryndaımyz ba balalar?
Balalar eger, sol tapsyrmany oryndasaq biz sendermen Úıshik ertegisine jetemiz.
1 - shy tapsyrma: Úıshik keıipkerlerin ata?
Balalar sýretke qarap jaýap beredi.
2 - shi tapsyrma: Keıipkerler týraly taqpaq bilemiz be?
Mouse: I m a mouse
I live in the house.
I have stamp teeth.
Best of all I like a chesse.
Frog: I m a frog and I m green.
I m so small but I can swim.
Hare: I m a hare.
I run everywhere.
I like cabbage.
And a carrot sandwich.
Fox: I m a fox, I m a red.
I come to you are glad.
Wolf: I m wolf, I have four legs.
I m grey, and like to dance.
Bear: I m brown bear
I m gay and funny.
I like to play with children.
And admire honey.
Balalar jaqsy bizge bergen tapsyrmalardy oryndadyq, al qazir Úıshik ertegisin sahnalaımyz.
There stood a nice house in the wood. But once…
Úıshik Ertegisi.
A mouse: What a nice house? Who lives in the house? Nobody! I live in this house.
A frog: What a nice house? Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I m a mouse, and who are you?
A Frog: I m a frog! May I coming!
A Mouse: Come in please.
A Hare: What a nice house? Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I m a mouse!
A Frog: I m a frog, and who are you?
A Hare: I m a hare. May I coming!
A Frog: Come in please.
A Fox: What a nice house? Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I m a mouse!
A Frog: I m a frog.
A Hare: I m a hare, and who are you?
A Fox: I m fox. May I coming!
A Hare: Come in please.
A Wolf: What a nice house? Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I m a mouse!
A Frog: I m a frog.
A Hare: I m a hare.
A Fox: I m fox, and who are you?
A Wolf: I m wolf. May I coming!
A Fox: Come in please.
A Bear: What a nice house? Who lives in the house?
A mouse: I m a mouse.
A Frog: I m a frog.
A Hare: I m a hare.
A Fox: I m a fox.
A Wolf: I m a wolf, and who are you?
A Bear: I m bear.. May I coming!
All: No! No!
The bear started climbing onto the roof and - crushed the whole house! All of the scared animals ran away in different directions!
Thank you very much children!
Sergetý sáti:
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around (óz - ózin aınalý.)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground (jerdi qolmen tıý)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, jump up high (sekirý)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say sleep, sleep. (uıqtaǵandy qórsetý)
Balalar myna sýretter durys ornalasqan ba? Kim maǵan sýretterdi durys ornalastyrady. Osy sýretter qaı ertegiden, kim biledi? Durys Shalqan ertegisiniń keıipkerleri. Shalqań ertegisin sahnalaımyz:
Shalqan ertegisi.
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip! I wat to pull it out.
One, two, three! One, two, three! ( Shalqandy tartady) Oh, it s to big for me (mandaıynyn terin súrtedi ) Grandfather! grandfather! ( áje shyǵady) Come here! come here! Help me please.
Grandmother: All right, grandfather, I am coming. (Ataǵa shaqyndaıdy)
Grandfather and Grandmother: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Grandmother: Oh, it s to big for us!( mandaıynyn terin súrtedi ). Come here! Come here! Help us please.
Granddaughter: All right, grandmother, I am coming.
All together: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Granddaughter: Oh, it s to big for us! Dog! dog! Come here! Come here! Help us please.
Dog: All right, granddaughter, I am coming.
All together: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Dog: Oh, it s to big for us! Cat! cat! Come here! Come here! Help us please.
Cat: All right, Dog, I am coming.
All together: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Cat: Oh, it s to big for us! Mouse! mouse! Come here! Come here! Help us please.
Mouse:: All right, cat, I am coming.
All together: One, two, three! One, two, three!
Shalqan qolyn kóterip turady. Barlyq keıipkerler qulaıdy.
Keremet balalar biz bárimiz ertegide bolǵandaı boldyq. Muǵalim shlápa alyp balalarǵa jaqyndaıdy.
- Balalar búgin sabaqta ne bildińder? (Aq qalpaq )
- Balalar sabaqta senderge ne unady? (Qyzyl qalpaq )
Keremet óte jaqsy balalar senderge sabaq unady ma? Jaqsy endi barlyǵymyz qonaqtarmen qoshtasamyz!
Very good children. Now say good bye.

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