Sońǵy jańartý

(Ózgertilgen ýaqyty 1 kún buryn)
Where is my bag? Meniń sómkem qaıda?
Theme: Where is my bag?
Taqyryby: Meniń sómkem qaıda?
• Educational: to explain new grammar material “Prepositions”, to obtain knowledge through the exercises; to introduce with new words. And repeat old materials.
• Developing: to develop the pupils’ habits of the oral speesh, to develop pupils’ sreative and logisal abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexisal skills.
• Bringing up: to bring up love to work and interest in the subject; to sreate an English atmosphere in the slassroom.
Sabaqtyń maqsaty:
• Bilimdilik: oqýshylarǵa «Shylaýlar» jańa gramatıkalyq materıaldy túsindirý, jattyǵýlar arqyly bilimdi jetildirý; jańa sózdermen tanystyrý. Sonymen qatar ótken taqyryptardy qaıtalaý.
• Damytýshylyq: oqýshylardyń oqylym, jazylym, tyńdalym, aıtylym, tildesim. qabiletterin damytý.
• Tárbıelik: pánge degen qyzyǵýshylyǵyn arttyrý, synypta aǵylshyndyq orta qalyptastyrý, oqýshylardy eńbeksúıgishtikke tárbıeleý.
Type of the lesson: combined.
Sabaq tıpi: aralas.
Methods of teaching: work with groups, «step to step», «basket», «find the mistakes», game technology.
Sabaq ádis - tásilderi: toptyq jumys, «qadam saıyn», «sebet», «qatesin tap», oıyn tehnologıasy.
Equipment: cards, pictures, the posters with prepositions of place, basket, interactive board, video, presentation, crossword.
Kórnekiligi: úlestirmeler, sýretter, «Shylaýlar» plakaty, sebet, ınteraktıvti taqta, vıdeo, prezentasıa, krosvord.
The procedure of the lesson.

Sabaq barysy.
İ. Organization moment
- Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please.
- How are you?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is it today?
Let's divide into groups. There are different pictures in pieces. You must collect the pictures. So we have 3 groups.

İ. Uıymdastyrý.
- Qaıyrly tań, oqýshylar! Otyryńyzdar.
- Qalderin qalaı?
- Búgin kim kezekshi?
- Sabaqta kim joq?
- Búgingi kúnniń sharty qandaı?
Eń aldymen synypty topqa bóleıik. Myna jerde ár túrli sýretterdiń bólikteri bar, sizder bólikterdi jınap, bir sýret etip qurastyrý kereksiz. Osylaı úsh topqa bólindik.

İİ. Checking up the home task.
Úı tapsyrmasyn tekserý.
«Step to step» method. One pupil from every groups go to the blackboard. Every step to the way has task. In the end on the blackboard it has tasks for the groups.
«Qadam saıyn» ádisi. Ár toptan bir oqýshydan taqtaǵa shyǵady. Taqtaǵa deıingi jolda ár qadam saıyn tapsyrma bolady. Sońynda taqtada top úshin tapsyrma turady.
Tasks for the steps.
«Qadam saıyn» tapsyrmalary
Translate words.
Sózderdi aýdar.
For the first group
1. He
2. Brother
3. Good morning
4. Driver
5. Kitchen

Birinshi top úshin
1. Ol (er balalar úshin)
2. Aǵa
3. Qaıyrly tań
4. Júrgizýshi
5. As bólmesi
For the second group
1. We
2. Sister
3. Good evening
4. Doctor
5. Living room
Ekinshi top úshin
1. Biz
2. Apa
3. Qaıyrly kesh
4. Dáriger
5. Qonaq bólmesi

For the third group
1. They
2. Grandfather
3. Good afternoon
4. Teacher
5. Bedroom
Úshinshi top úshin
1. Olar
2. Ata
3. Qaıyrly kún
4. Muǵalim
5. Jatyn bólmesi

Tasks for the groups
Topqa arnalǵan tapsyrmalar

For the first group
1. Verb “to be”.
2. Modal verb “can”.
Birinshi top úshin
1. “To be” etistigi.
2. “Can” modáldi etistigi

For the second group
1. Kinds of “to be”.
2. “I want to” construction
Ekinshi top úshin
1. “To be” etistiginiń túrleri.
2. “I want to” konstrýksıasy.

For the third group
1. Using verb “to be”.
2. “Have/has” construction

Úshinshi top úshin
1. “To be” etistiginiń qoldanylýy.
2. “Have/has” konstrýksıasy.

III. New lesson.
Introduce new theme: “Where is my bag?” “Basket” method.
Pictures of prepositions, new words are on blackboard. Teacher puts the pictures in the basket, which pupil know. Teacher explain pictures, which pupils don’t know. Then puts in the basket.

İİİ. Jańa sabaq.
Jańa taqyryppen tanystyrý: «Meniń sómkem qaıda?» «Sebet» ádisi.
Taqtada shylaýlar men jańa sózderdiń sýretteri ilýli turady. Muǵalim oqýshylar biletin sýretterdi sebetke salady, al oqýshylar bilmeıtin sýretterdi túsindirip, keıin salady.
Pictures of prepositions, new words: where, in, on, under, in front of, behind, between, near, opposite, next to, bag. (Appendix 1)
Jańa sózder men shylaýlar sýretteri: qaıda, ishinde, ústinde, aldynda, artynda, ortasynda, qasynda, qarama - qarsy, kelesi, sómke. (Qosymsha 1)
IV. Production. Sing a song and dance.
IV. Sergitý sáti. Án aıtyp, bı bıleý.
V. Work into the groups.
Task 1. Every group must make the sentences from pictures and in the sentences must use prepositions and there is/there are construction. (Appendix 2)
Task 2. Read the text and find the mistakes. (Appendix 3)
V. Toptyq jumys.
Tapsyrma 1. Ár top sýretke qarap sóılem quraý kerek. Sóılemde shylaýlar men there is/there are konstrýksıasyn qoldaný kerek. (Qosymsha 2)
Tapsyrma 2. Mátindi oqyp, qateni tap. (Qosymsha 3)
VI. Consolidation. Video about the prepositions.
VI. Bekitý. Shylaýlar týraly vıdeo.
Vİİ. Sonslusions and marks.
VII. Qorytyndy jáne baǵalaý.
Vİİİ. Home task. Exersise: Learn new words.
VIII. Úı jumysy. Ex. 9 p 70. Jańa sózderdi jattaý.

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