- 05 нау. 2024 00:32
- 363
Мектепті таңдау
9 – сынып
Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақ жоспары
Тақырыбы: Мектепті таңдау
Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушыларды Ұлыбритания білім жүйесімен таныстырып, білім алудағы негізгі талаптарды іске асыра отырып, мектепті таңдауға үйрету.
Сабақтың міндеттері:
1. Оқушылар Ұлыбритания білім жүйесімен танысады.
2. Саналы білім алады.
3. Қазақстанның мектептерімен салыстырады.
Көрнекілігі: суреттер, интерактивті тақта, слайд, карточка
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
Сабақ барысы
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
* Сәлемдесу
Teacher: - Good morning, children! Pupils: - Good morning, teacher!
- Sit down, please!
* Сыныппен сөйлесу
- How are you? - I’m fine (well, so - so, afraid).
- Why? - Because today we have a lot
of guests at our lesson.
- Don’t worry! Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- Well, look at the blackboard there are some rules for every day’s lesson
Rules for every day’s lesson (SLIDE 1)
• Don’t miss lessons!
• Listen to the teacher!
• Be ready for the lesson!
• Don’t be late!
• Raise your hand to answer!
• Try to speak English!
ІI. Қайталау
* Үй тапсырмасын тексеру
- Let’s check your home work. Your homework was to write about your typical day. Ask 3 pupils, and others must answer for the questions according to the pupils’ composition.
- What time does she (he) get up? What time does her (his) school start? What is her (his) favorite subject?
* Brain - storming - EDUCATION - (SLIDE 2)
- Well, today we’ll do a lot of different tasks.
- Make as many words as you can from the word EDUCATION
- I’ll give you 1 min for this task (cat, at, in, on, action, not, ten, act, to, it, etc.)
ІII. Негізгі бөлім
* Жаңа тақырып - The system of education in Great Britain - (SLIDE 3)
- Today we’ll speak about the system of education in Great Britain. And we’ll compare the system of education in Great Britain with the system of education in Kazakhstan.
* Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру – New words - (SLIDE 4)
- Look at the blackboard, there are new words, so you should look, repeat and write these words in your vocabulary.
• Education -------------------- білім
• Educational system -------- білім беру жүйесі
• State school ----------------- мемлекеттік мектеп
• Private school --------------- жеке мектеп
• Primary school -------------- бастауыш мектеп
• Secondary school ---------- орта мектеп
• Boarding school ------------ интернат
• Compulsory ------------------ міндетті
• Junior school ---------------- бастауыш мектеп
• Infant school ----------------- 5 - 7 ж. бал-ға арналған мектеп
• Modern school -------------- жаңа заманауи мектеп
• Grammar school ------------ гуманитарлық орта мектеп
* Мәтінмен жұмыс – p. 86 (Book)
- Open your books, p. 86 ex. 3. Let’s read the text about schools in Great Britain.
- Now look at the blackboard and using the diagram say some information about schools in Great Britain.
*Сергіту сәті – Puzzle Time
- Guess the riddles and win a prize
a) It is plastic, it may be different colors, and teachers have red, pupils – blue. You can write with this. What is it? (Pen)
b) It has several pages; you may write in it some information or do notes in it. What is it? (Notebook)
- Look at the system of education in Kazakhstan.
The diagram of the system of education in Kazakhstan (SLIDE 6)
- Now let’s compare education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan using Venn - diagram (draw the diagram at the blackboard and give stickers to each pupil, then pupil should write about education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan, go to the blackboard read and stick it)
ІV Бекіту
- Divide the class into 2 groups (4 pupils will write a sequin, others will write test. Give paper for 4 pupils. And for tests. (SLIDE 7)
***A sequin (1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, phrase, synonym)
V Қорытынды
* Үй тапсырмасын беру (SLIDE 8)
- p. 88 ex. 9, write about schools in Kazakhstan
* Оқушылардың білімдерін бағалау
- So, today you work hard, you’ve got a lot of information about education. You became like this man. (SLIDE 9) Your marks.
* Сабақтың аяқталуын хабарлау
- Stand up all of you. Thank you for your attention, participation. The lesson is over. Good - bye children! (SLIDE 10, 11)
Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақ жоспары
Тақырыбы: Мектепті таңдау
Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушыларды Ұлыбритания білім жүйесімен таныстырып, білім алудағы негізгі талаптарды іске асыра отырып, мектепті таңдауға үйрету.
Сабақтың міндеттері:
1. Оқушылар Ұлыбритания білім жүйесімен танысады.
2. Саналы білім алады.
3. Қазақстанның мектептерімен салыстырады.
Көрнекілігі: суреттер, интерактивті тақта, слайд, карточка
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
Сабақ барысы
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
* Сәлемдесу
Teacher: - Good morning, children! Pupils: - Good morning, teacher!
- Sit down, please!
* Сыныппен сөйлесу
- How are you? - I’m fine (well, so - so, afraid).
- Why? - Because today we have a lot
of guests at our lesson.
- Don’t worry! Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- Well, look at the blackboard there are some rules for every day’s lesson
Rules for every day’s lesson (SLIDE 1)
• Don’t miss lessons!
• Listen to the teacher!
• Be ready for the lesson!
• Don’t be late!
• Raise your hand to answer!
• Try to speak English!
ІI. Қайталау
* Үй тапсырмасын тексеру
- Let’s check your home work. Your homework was to write about your typical day. Ask 3 pupils, and others must answer for the questions according to the pupils’ composition.
- What time does she (he) get up? What time does her (his) school start? What is her (his) favorite subject?
* Brain - storming - EDUCATION - (SLIDE 2)
- Well, today we’ll do a lot of different tasks.
- Make as many words as you can from the word EDUCATION
- I’ll give you 1 min for this task (cat, at, in, on, action, not, ten, act, to, it, etc.)
ІII. Негізгі бөлім
* Жаңа тақырып - The system of education in Great Britain - (SLIDE 3)
- Today we’ll speak about the system of education in Great Britain. And we’ll compare the system of education in Great Britain with the system of education in Kazakhstan.
* Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру – New words - (SLIDE 4)
- Look at the blackboard, there are new words, so you should look, repeat and write these words in your vocabulary.
• Education -------------------- білім
• Educational system -------- білім беру жүйесі
• State school ----------------- мемлекеттік мектеп
• Private school --------------- жеке мектеп
• Primary school -------------- бастауыш мектеп
• Secondary school ---------- орта мектеп
• Boarding school ------------ интернат
• Compulsory ------------------ міндетті
• Junior school ---------------- бастауыш мектеп
• Infant school ----------------- 5 - 7 ж. бал-ға арналған мектеп
• Modern school -------------- жаңа заманауи мектеп
• Grammar school ------------ гуманитарлық орта мектеп
* Мәтінмен жұмыс – p. 86 (Book)
- Open your books, p. 86 ex. 3. Let’s read the text about schools in Great Britain.
- Now look at the blackboard and using the diagram say some information about schools in Great Britain.
*Сергіту сәті – Puzzle Time
- Guess the riddles and win a prize
a) It is plastic, it may be different colors, and teachers have red, pupils – blue. You can write with this. What is it? (Pen)
b) It has several pages; you may write in it some information or do notes in it. What is it? (Notebook)
- Look at the system of education in Kazakhstan.
The diagram of the system of education in Kazakhstan (SLIDE 6)
- Now let’s compare education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan using Venn - diagram (draw the diagram at the blackboard and give stickers to each pupil, then pupil should write about education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan, go to the blackboard read and stick it)
ІV Бекіту
- Divide the class into 2 groups (4 pupils will write a sequin, others will write test. Give paper for 4 pupils. And for tests. (SLIDE 7)
***A sequin (1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, phrase, synonym)
V Қорытынды
* Үй тапсырмасын беру (SLIDE 8)
- p. 88 ex. 9, write about schools in Kazakhstan
* Оқушылардың білімдерін бағалау
- So, today you work hard, you’ve got a lot of information about education. You became like this man. (SLIDE 9) Your marks.
* Сабақтың аяқталуын хабарлау
- Stand up all of you. Thank you for your attention, participation. The lesson is over. Good - bye children! (SLIDE 10, 11)
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.