Соңғы жаңарту

(Өзгертілген уақыты 2 күн бұрын)
Place we live in (Мен өмір сүретін орын)
Мақсаты: Оқушылардың «Place we live in» «Мен өмір сүретін орын» тақырыбын меңгеру деңгейін анықтау.
Оқу, жазу, сөйлеу барысында алынған лексикалық, граматикалық материалдарды пысықтау арқылы оқушылардың белсенділігін арттыру.
Отанын, сүйікті қаласын, үйін, отбасын құрметтеуге баулу.
Түрі: Интерактивті сабақ
Типі: Пысықтау.
Көрнекілігі: суреттер, кеспелер

Procedure of the Lesson
Good morning pupils. Tell me please what month is it now?
- Yes, what kinds of holiday have we in December?
- Ok, we have an Independence day on the 16 th of December
How old is our country? - Yes, 20 years
Presentations: Once a king said, if who opens this door, will live in a happy, rich, unity country

How can we open the door? - Ok, by the key, but to get the key we should do some tasks. Now let’s divide into three groups:

1. Brainstorming;
1 Where are you from?
a) I’m from Astana b) I’m form England c) I’m from Kazakhstan.
2 Where do you live?
a) In a family b) in town Alga c) at school
3 а place we live in:
a) Our classroom b) Our home c) our school

2. Which word is odd out circle your answer.
1. Desk, sofa, chair, table, house, armchair
2. Table, kitchen, hall, bathroom, dining - room.
3. I, she, we, he, you, bus, they
4. House, flat, room, classroom, blue, hall
5. at, on, under, behind, middle, green, front of

3. Guess what it is:
1. a place we live in ______a house________
2. a place we cook food in ____the kitchen_____________
3. a thing we lock the door with ____the key__________
4. a thing in the kitchen where we can wash up____sink______
5. a thing that we can see our faces in ______mirror__________

4. Make up sentences using “to be going to”
1. Peter is in the bathroom. The water is running
_____________he is going to wash______________
2. Kate is sitting in the armchair. She is opening a book
_______________she is going to read_______________
3. Mother is in the kitchen. There are many cups and glasses in the sink which are not clean. The water is running.
____________she is going to wash up_______________
4. Some boys and one of them has a ball
_____________they are going to play football__________
5. Match the words and put them as a domino.

Group blue Group yellow.
to cook - in the living - room
to watch TV - in the bathroom
to take a shower - in the kitchen
to water flowers, trees – in the dining - room
to get warm - in the sink
to sleep - in the garden
to wash up - in the bedroom
to have dinner - near the fireplace.

to cook - in the kitchen
to watch TV - in the living - room
to take a shower - in the bathroom
to water flowers, trees - in the garden
to get warm - near the fireplace
to sleep - in the bedroom
to wash up - in the sink
to have dinner - in the dining - room
Ok, Great.

6. Disjunctive question:
1. Our kitchen is rather large……isn’t…it…..?
2. There isn’t a fireplace in the sitting room……is there……..?
3. He has got a new car……hasn’t he…….?
4. She can skate well …can’t she…….?
5. There are wonderful flowers in the garden……aren’t there…..?
7. Read the dialogue and act it.

Asel: - Where do you live?
Arman: - Near the swimming - pool
Asel: - In a flat or in a house?
Arman: - In a flat. Houses are terribly expensive
Asel: - what’s your flat like?
Arman: - It’s small but comfortable and it’s very near my school.

8. Match: the texts and pictures
1. There are eight people in Nurzhan*s family. They live in a house. He has got a grandmother
2. John lives in a house. He and his friends play football
3. Tom lives in a house. It is in Green Street it is nice
4. Scot is from London. He lives in a flat. He has a lot of friends.

9. Play snowball
- Have you a house or a flat?
- I have a flat.
- What is your flat like?
- It is nice and comfortable
- How many rooms are there in your flat?
- There are three rooms
- what is there in your living - room?
- There is a sofa, two armchairs, carpet, curtain; TV set
- Have you got a telephone?
- Yes I have

10. Poem.
“There are six in the bed and the little one says:
Move over, move over”
There are five in the bed and the little one says:
Move over, move over
There are four in the bed and the little one says:
Move over, move over
There are three in the bed and the little one says:
Move over, move over
There are two in the bed and the little one says:
Move over, move over
So, there is one in the bed and the little one says
Ah, that’s nice. I can sleep now.

11. Ok, we have done all the tasks and we have got the key. Let’s open the door. OK - look it is our Kazakhstan.
Sing songs:
We are Kazakh children
Our flag is rise
Thank you our president
For our happy day

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