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(Өзгертілген уақыты 2 күн бұрын)
Қазақстанның танымал ғалымдары
10 сынып
Сабақ тақырыбы: Қазақстанның танымал ғалымдары
Сабақ мақсаты:
1. Оқушылардың Қазақстанда дамып жатқан техникалық прогресс туралы мағлұмат беру
2) Есте сақтау, ойлау қабілетін дамыту
3) Өздігінен жұмыс істеуге тәрбиелеу

Сабақ әдісі: сұрақ - жауап, сөйлесу
Сабақ типі: аралас
Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
А) Greetings
Б) Checking up the attendance
II. Checking the homework:

III. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson:
Our theme in our lesson is “Kazakhstan’s famous scientists”.

IV. New lesson:
What scientific discovery was opened in Kazakhstan and whether we have the inventors. Or at least if we have the potential to discover that it is not normal?

ex. 1 Read the texts and translate it.
Kanysh Satpaev
The scientist devoted himself to the study, exploration and development of the world largest copper deposit in Zhezkazgan; he also made a great contribution to the establishment of exploratory and research institutions in Kazakhstan. K. I. Satpaev was a recognized leader of geology in the Soviet Union, the initiator of metallogenic prediction summaries, one of the authors of the world's first metallogenic map, the head of Kazakhstan School of Geologists. The scientist devoted much effort to the creation and development of mining, metallurgy, nuclear physics, chemistry, astrophysics, biology, mathematics, history and literature in Kazakhstan. His encyclopaedic knowledge, modesty, charm, humaneness and tactful attitude towards people won him great respect, immense prestige, and fame.
Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev was a well known Kazakh poet, healer and enlightener. He was born in Bayanaul area and was famous for developing of the first Kazakh alphabet on the base of arabesque script, the “UzuliZhadit”. His mausoleum stands in the place Eskeldy, which has sophistical story.
Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a scientist. He currently lives and works in the U. S. He was the first scientist in the world to clone primates. In 2010 the U. S. Clinical Tests Commission gave a license to professor Mitalipov for experiments with human eggs and embryos for the first time in the history. He is a co - author of the research where the first mixed - embryo monkeys were born. Mitalipov is ethnic Uighur. He was born in Almaty oblast.

ex. 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. Come … and take a seat, please.
А) out
B) in
C) at
2. Where do you come … originally?
А) to
B) in
C) from
3. He will come … home in two weeks.
А) out
B) to
C) back
4. I have never come … a person like Steve.
А) across
B) out
C) about
5. Come … or we will be late!
А) about
B) for
C) on
ex. 3 Fill in prepositions:
1 It’s late. We should go … now.
А) back
B) forward
C) ahead
2 Go …! Leave me alone!
А) ahead
B) along
C) away
3. Go …, we are all listening.
А) back
В) ahead
C) forward
4. Go … with your work until I come back.
А) forward
B) on
C) along
5. That shade of blue goes … your eyes.
А) up
B) in
C) with

Homework ex. 3

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